Why blizzard is wrong about genji

I think Genji mains suffer from the same delusions as mercy mains. Where they think because their hero isn’t balanced the way they want it must mean they’re weak.

To be fair, the Mercy mains haven’t argued their hero is weak, but that the change in mechanics has made the hero less fun.

And there is a pretty chunky difference there.

Mercy is pretty strong in higher ranks. She kinda sucks for impact in lower ranks, but that is different from being weak. It just means you have to play a LOT more games to get to your actual rank.

Personally, I just Moira’d out of low ranks, and played Mercy where she was actually impactful AND strong. Because sod trying to play Mercy out of low ranks.


I’ve definitely seen mercy mains come onto these forums after they buffed her movement and call it a nerf. Plenty still think her healing is weak or describe rez as a bad ability.

That is true, but generally they don’t think the hero is underpowered overall.

I mean, are they really wrong there? Personally, I think her damage boost and mobility is what is strong about the hero.

A nerf to damage boost would make her a LOT weaker than a nerf to healing for instance.


Except when you apply the deviation that is required of the data, you realize that 30 heroes have the same winrate and most heroes have a similar pickrate because that is all you can draw form Overbuff data thereby making it largely useless.

Now when Blizzard themselves tell us data we can know that is all of the games therefore it is accurate data but Overbuff requires too large of a deviation in order to be reliable.

Personally, I would REALLY like Blizzard to put in a stats API so we could look directly at the stats.

They did it for OWL, it would be good to see something like it for regular play as well.

It wouldn’t have to be unit records like OWL is, but something which gives you overbuff like stats directly from the entire playerbase would be pretty good.

I’d build a front end for it for sure.


Except they didnt refuse to nerf Sojourn. They actually repeatedly nerfed Sojourn. She got nerfed in October, twice in December, and then again in January, and one more bonus one in March. I do not know what version of OW you were playing but Sojourn got nerfed repeatedly over the first 3 seasons of OW.

I am sorry but you are just wrong completely and totally and provably wrong.

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Idk when I played him I always didn’t play him the way you said he’s played at first, so his learning curve was smooth. If you play him more like a normal flanker and tie in resets that’s a good start to learning him and not developing bad habits.

But idk if the Genji players who complain typically develop bad habits or if they’re just angy because a streamer tells them he’s weak.


Why are you quoting me in this? I didn’t argue that they didn’t nerf Sojourn?

I think it is the first. I ALSO found him pretty easy to pick up and play, but I had a pretty good idea of how you had to play him later, and just started that way.

I think you’re suffering from “complainitus”

You’re so used to seeing complaints about her strength that when people complain about wanting power shifts so she’s more fun and also not stronger, you read them the same way.

It’s understandable being how complainy the forums are.


Also given the amount of people actually trying to bait the Mercy players. I ran a sentiment analysis over the forums for a while (look, I’m weird ok?) - and it was REAL interesting to see how much hate Mercy players got.

It was so VERY much higher than anything else.


Idk I’ve just been false flagged and banned enough on these forums to know more than most how delusional mercy mains can be lol. I remember back in OW2 when super jump was a bug I was one of the few dps mains who defended it. But I also had to step in a fight against some of their propaganda.

One weird exchange was when they described super jump as an awful ability that hurts her more than it helps. I’d then ask if it’s so bad why they’re against it removal? Then the mental gymnastics ensues.

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I quoted him and he quoted you so it gives the reply to you as well.

Also because I was about to quote you, I think they have said the reason they do not publish the stats is they are afraid in the early stages of the meta people will see a small blip and slam hard into it forcing a meta that is probably not even the best. Basically the early data would form the meta rather than the players forming the meta and the data explaining it.

I do not know if I agree with that premise but it is their premise.

Tbh I see the same from Genji mains. Most of the reasonable ones seem to want a stronger base kit and will accept nerfs to his ult in exchange.


I mean that isn’t a weird stance though. You have a powerful ability which is a problem for the hero, where just removing it without putting something better in place would be worse.

That doesn’t sound like an unreasonable position.

Personally, I liked superjump since it put a pretty sizable chunk of skill in her kit.

The problem is that is also why he is so strong in lower ranks. They can’t exactly buff his base kit without making him a monster there.

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The main reason Genji players think he’s weak is because Genji is the type of character that either deletes his target or does nothing. When he was strong in Season 1, that was the exact issue – he was deleting more often than not. Now, with only slight changes, the onus shifts in the opposite direction.

The same is true for a lot of “problem” characters, such as Reaper, Roadhog, and Doomfist. Their main value comes from engaging an enemy and deleting them almost immediately, and if they can’t do that, then they don’t serve a purpose.

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I think we’re missing context here. It sounds like they’re talking about the new and simple SJ, which some people can’t part with, but others understand that it kinda needs to go(and get replaced with old OW1 GA)

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I think the constant changes to her kit hasn’t improved things, and when you go in to change a kit on that scale, and that often, it HAS to be to improve things.

I think that is the actual problem around Mercy (I also think we have derailed the conversation and maybe we should bring it back to Genji).

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Nah I’m taking about old posts from OW1. This was back when that xqc clip was out and the forums were flooded with his fanboys asking for mercy to be removed lol.

It’s not really too surprising considering how Mercy mains have been hated for one reason or another throughout OW’s history.