No. Asking for heroes to be essentially deleted is terrible in a game THAT RELEASES HEROES FAR TOO SLOWLY TO STAY RELEVANT.
You don’t know about Bastion very well then. This delay effects his ultimate more than his regular kit. The thing to do to survive in tankmode is to heal between shots. It’s just a quick shot of healing normally without delays. But Blizzard decided good things Bastion being fun is bad and nerfed him.
Ana Roadhog and both Widow and Hanzo are still big counters and they didn’t go anywhere.
Where’d you pull that stat from?
Have you looked at anything stat related recently? You should go do that.
They don’t care about Bastion at all, I think they have made it pretty clear to us by now.
After 2+ years of maining him it’s about time I move onto one of many heroes Blizzard actually do care about, I’m thinking Orisa or maybe Hammond.
I’d rather have an underpowered hero than a hero that ruins the game. If they want him to be relevant then rework him
Imagine being pharah.
Where my self heal at yo.
that there was no recovery time before is the real mystery to me.