This boils down to “Just get less use out of your hero, just deal with it”
Even though Hanzo can get kills if he thinks and sends it through a wall.
This boils down to “Just get less use out of your hero, just deal with it”
Even though Hanzo can get kills if he thinks and sends it through a wall.
Yeah he certainly did not deserve any nerfs like Symmetra…
Blizzard just has to get on with reworking this terribly designed hero from the ground up, as net buffs could be even more catastrophic overall…
If you don’t mind me asking, what is the use of Bastion? Like what is his role in the team?
Area denial, and damage pressuring.
That is the intended use.
Though everything pressures him FAR worse than he pressures it.
And denies him from the area.
I used him to break double barrier… Back when double barrier was Rein/Winston.
Exactly, he’s basically there to destroy shields quickly for his team, and to create zones that the enemy team cannot enter without dying.
Does this new change significantly impact this role? Remember, the hero is already a severe case of ‘protect the president’ and his healing only has a recovery time when cancelled by primary fire. Is it possible that the sequence of actions changes, but the play style ultimately stays the same?
I personally think it was a bad idea to add a hero with such oppressive damage into the game, because ultimately the tradeoff will always be mobility and sustain. I’d much rather see him do less damage and have that offset by less need to be babysat.
Nope, you’ve gotten something confused.
Shields are a problem for him.
They put space between him and the enemies shooting him.
And he’s not that good at removing them.
Yes, yes it does.
I think it was a bad idea to respond to someone like you.
You’re right but it impact a lot his ult and his flexibility.
And the worst thing is that the self heal nerf will make him more vulnerable against lone Tracer an Genji.
So it will encourage president playstyle even more, something that people dislike a lot apparently…
…I never seem to have a problem melting an Orisa or Rein shield in a second or less. I was under the impression that why tanks switch to and now Sigma, because shields are useless against him and only matrix protects your team.
What? With all due respect, this is a bizarre response. I thought we were just having a (polite) conversation about what would make Bastion viable but not oppressive to play against?
I take it you don’t want him to do less damage and be more survivable as a tradeoff? Well I hate to break it to you, but they will never let him do the damage he does now and buff his mobility or survivability - it’s one or the other.
Mmm i guess. I’d personally love to see them tone down the glass cannon take we have on him currently, and maybe take him down the ultimate area denial hero route (more survivable, less babysitting, hard to dislodge, less damage, more consistent damage).
No one ever switched in pro or in high ranks against a Bastion.
Bastion impact on the meta is as big as his pickrate.
Make the spread tigher with headshot while decreasing the ammo to 200.
And maybe nerf the tank and put him on E ?
What rock are you playing under?
What, 250-ish reliable dps?
That’s what he does at any decent range (Like 20 mere meters) Without obstruction.
He doesn’t deal much damage, and isn’t very survivable.
Please go play the hero or something, because i’m trying to be civil, but you simply don’t seem to have a great view of the hero.
It’s like asking why Widow doesn’t just “Hit all her shots”
He was terrible - so they made him worse.
You know, like all those Junkrat nerfs after he got decent for a 2 weeks
Bastion should be removed as a character and made into a static gun monument that you can walk over to and use on some maps. That would be a just end to him.
You could have fooled me. In my experience playing the hero, I melt through Orisa shield in realistically 2 seconds. This isn’t taking into account damage from other members of my team. I can then move onto shredding the tanks, and my team is free to shoot without a barrier obstruction if the team doesn’t scatter when the barrier falls. Anyway, I can see you’re getting agitated and I didn’t intend that…so I guess we cut the conversation short, and I wish you a good day/evening or whatever.
But was always picked regardless, right?
Potentially still too strong, but i dunno. I’d like to see his personal shield come back, reduce spread, greatly reduce damage per bullet, increase ammo.
You want to nerf his damage but want the personal shield coming back ?
That’s not a good idea I think.
Welp, he is not the only one made like that…
Give me a break. It works on friggin GM
Look at these morons, arguably bastion was the 1st hero hit with the nerf bat. Hmm, i wonder why? The op is complaining about sombra having a quarter second window to save her team from 10 minutes of getting camped. I ask myself what bastion buffs would look like, i can imagine pleas for hog levels of aggro aided by hog levels of self heal, i can see his 300 rnd clip punching through the enemy teams spawn shield, to make aiming easier or something. I hope to see bastion become relevant in some meta, just so i can see him nerfed into obscurity.
Bastion wont appear in a meta in prob ever. Atleast in OWL that is (which is where the devs usually look). He’s easy to counter. Why wont he be in a meta? Because every time he’s been in one, he gets immediately nerfed out of it. Remember 35% Ironclad? (poor console players tho).
He hasn’t gotten nerfed too bad (even tho this nerf is really annoying tbh) lately even with the rise of Bunker because i think the devs understand that Bastion, even with bunker, is still not the best to play with Bunker. I think they also understand that Baptiste is really the only thing supporting him tbh. Without Baptiste, Bunker probably wouldnt be as prominent (Tho im just a filthy low diamond player so )
Seems to me now you can hold down both buttons and bastion will automatically heal himself as soon as he takes damage then automatically stops healing when topped off and can resume shooting.
I think the changes make him even more brain dead to play. Now you can just hold down both buttons all the time.