Why aren't supports allowed to counter snipers?

The counter is get behind the shield?

Supports can counter sniper if they stand behind a barrier that’s larger than Brigitte’s.

I quite enjoy killing a sniper as a healer. It’s very satisfying.

Lucio can only do it against snipers that can’t aim, because jumping or wallriding makes you very predictable.

What is next ? Why we don’t have 6 support comps ?

Lol first they said why support can’t fight flankers and now this.

I have suicidal thoughts now.

Then you’re not wallriding properly

This isn’t a slippery slope, but thanks for the bump.

You make them sound like a bunch of gas station attendants.

Do want them to wipe your windows too?

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miora tends to kills widows and hanzos rather easily. baguette does too if they get off their pedestal.

Discord Orb comes pretty close even if you’re not the one dealing the damage. It helps the heroes who can duel snipers to get those quick split-second kills.

Supports don’t need to 1v1 snipers, they have a way to avoid snipers by hiding. The same isn’t true against flankers which is why some do have options against them.

I’d say up to Master you have Ana, Zen and a good Lucio that can challenge a Widowmaker. That said, supports definitely shouldn’t have a hard sniper counter. I’d like another counter to snipers, but not a support, because then you’ll have the classic situation of a new Hero with an overloaded kit that nobody agrees on how he/she should be balanced.

If Ana (a squishy with no mobility, a dart that hardly works and a long self heal that can only heal her for half) can hide to avoid fire so can anyone else — including flankers. Supports have no more advantage than others — some can and some cannot.

Mercy counters her :stuck_out_tongue: Watch Animetic’s videos.

why shouldn’t dps players all be able to heal themselves with abilities? Supports can do it!

Do you see how that argument looks from the other side?

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Widow v Ana isn’t a fair fight. Ana needs to tap her three times. Widow needs to hit but once.

There’s a reason Ana only has one eye.

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So long as their kit is balanced, it’s not a problem. Several DPS already can heal themselves.

It doesn’t have to kill the sniper to counter it, you could have say an aoe smoke cloud that doesn’t allow projectiles inside it to affect anyone inside (friend or foe).

So if a widow maker is shooting into it, her attacks will always miss, same with long range supports like mercy and bridge. Great for getting through choke points too. Stops junk rat spam, etc if you want to hurt people inside the cloud you gotta be in it too.

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Because Brig being designed this way was a horrible choice and caused a lot of players to leave the game.

Why even have dps heroes if the supports just kill everything while also self sustaining and healing their team.

If enough damage focused widow maker to unscope she would be a valid counter assuming she gets the first hit… kinda

If they really want Widow to have a counter then simply give Ana a Ghillie Suit passive.

Now depending on range or wall hacks the fight’s a bit more even.

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Nice idea, but she should be revealed when she does damage I think.