Why aren't onetricks getting punished?

Inbefore kolorblind and steevo went 3-1 against dafran seagull emong (and only lost because a random widow carried dafran while kolorblind wasn’t paying attention to the game)

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Garbage one tricks, throwers, rage leavers, toxic people are the reason why I never solo queue competitive anymore.

Over time I have built up a friends list of regular players I know that can: play multiple heros, communicate, have good attitudes and are team players. Before I queue, I start a group with friends to fill with LFG (or create a whole group from LFG) - then I queue.

Solo queue competitive experience is just too inconsistent and too much of your fate in a match is dependent upon random team mates. The game is an objective base team oriented game, so why would you solo queue for it and be so naive to think it will turn out in your favor?

Just don’t solo queue anymore. You will enjoy the game a lot more.

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I mainly one tricked Lucio is season 1, one tricked zen in season 2, one tricked Mercy in season 3, one tricked ana in seasno 4, one tricked rein in some season after that. No one complains about that though.

Why is that? I spent these seasons, “soft throwing” as you guys put it by trying to learn how to play them and yet somehow, I’m not met with grief. Let me tell you, I’m sorry for all the people that were on my team when I was playing Mercy and yet somehow it was always, DPS is trash when my target decisions were so bad on Mercy.

If you are so focused on your Ashe players that you know exactly what their hit % is, what does that mean you’re doing? Standing AFK, constantly checking their profile versus you know… playing the game?

I can assure you that if you go into games in the global average SR or lower and take a Rein, Mercy, Ana, Zarya and 2 of whatever DPS, the tanks and sups would complain that the DPS are doing nothing because they aren’t allowed to do any work. The tanks and sups have good synergy but the DPS are left alone. That means, tanks gets the damage/elims medals because they are essentially pocketed while DPS are left to add to that damage. I play rein in these tiers, I know exactly how that goes. Win or loss, chances are I’ll take Gold or Silver in these games because I’m always right in their face and tell the rest of my team to constantly push.

You can’t say only punish one tricks that you don’t like. That’s the only way you’ll be taken seriously. Gotta punish all those Rein, Zarya, D.va, Ana, Mercy, Moira, Lucio, Zenyatta one tricks. All people should learn how to play every hero equally.


As someone who might as well be an Ana one trick, and former rein one trick… This is true


One tricking a hero is probably one of the best ways to git gud at the game without relying on “counters”
You start to see the game holistically instead of “X counters Y.”


Sounds like you just blame others instead of yourself

I’ve been OT hammond and finally reached Masters


What about garbage flex players? You know, those guys that play EVERYTHING badly?