Why aren't onetricks getting punished?

I’ve had like 6 people instalock ashe and never switch today.
This issue exists for years at this point and it’s still not a good enough reason to report a person.
After all they’ve payed 60 dollars for this game, so they have all rights to play every hero they want.
It doesn’t matter that other players from the same team actually have to play on tanks or healers, even if they don’t main them.
This system is a joke, and they only did one attempt at fixing it with this “find a team” feature, which is so terrible no one is using it.


Junkrat mains still trying to play Ashe lol.


Because it’s not a bannable offense. As stated by Jeff himself and the in game rules.



[attempted humor] unless its a Junkrat one-trick, those folks are THE absolute worst [/attempted humor]

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Here’s a little story I tell from time to time on this forum.

I started a new account, was in gold one tricking doomfist. People always asked me to swap, blamed losses on me (most definitely not my fault), said they were avoiding me, reporting me. Sometimes they would avoid me and I would play against them the very next match and destroy them, they would say “why didn’t you play that well last match when we lost?”, “but I did” I would say. I climbed and kept climbing all the way to around 3400 where I just stopped playing.

These gold tiers had a 3400 skill doomfist in their 2400 game and were asking me to switch instead of looking elsewhere for the issue. Legend has it that they are still in gold tier today, telling people to change off their one-trick hero, and blaming others for them being stuck at their tier. spooky music plays


I had the same thing when I was one tricking old symm where i had a 3400 otp symm acct, and when I went to play symm on my main in low plat, always had whiners.


Haven’t played the game in 7-8 months, playing on my alt account in silver as i try to return to form before playing on my main account in plat

not really feeling tracer right now in this meta. my mechanics are rusty, my timing is off and honestly the meta is so tedious right now that i don’t even enjoy playing the hero because it takes an eternity and 3 days to kill anything. it’s such a bother.

so i’m in silver thinking okay yea man i guess that could work for practice. go 7-10 in placements, get bored of playing Tracer, start one tricking Ashe at 1600, get to 1800 and fell all the way down to 1400 something yesterday.

like dude yea ok i’m a little rusty… but BRONZE? just lol dude.

these little butt sniffing punks tried to blame me for like every single loss lmao. even when i couldn’t carry them as tracer! imagine being a plat player having to smurf a rank they are playing their slightly worse heroes in so that they don’t fall into bronze.

you people are what is wrong with this game. you literally give up over the dumbest reasons and then you want to preach to everybody about how they should be better. at least a one trick would still try to win playing into a counter and a huge disadvantage… most of yall wouldn’t. you’d just give up and cry, because that’s the only damn thing you’re good at.

Actually worse than throwers. ACTUALLY. Hell, worse than any smurf too! bunch of pretenders, didn’t come into the mode to win anything but a stupid ugly badge and a misplaced sense of self worth.


true friggin story

these people couldn’t tell sheep crap from apple butter if you weren’t there to point it out for them or fight their way out of a wet paper bag if their lives depended on it

its actually insane. they’ll get all mad if you don’t join voice chat or something, like they were going to use it to actually do callouts and not just tell you that you’re garbage and to commit suicide lmao.


The are getting punished because the bans are automatic. Jeff is a liar.


same reason 2 tricks, 3 tricks, 4 tricks aren’t being punished. IT IS JUST A GAME.


If someone truly gets banned and can’t get it repealed then it’s not because their a 1 trick. I should know.


you should remind him that since
this community abuses the report system


The problem in this game isn’t one-tricks, it’s really bad players who are obsessed with flexing and can’t get it through their heads that if you get a 1000 hour Bastion to play McCree or Hanzo, the skills are definitely not going to transfer. There needs to be a punishment for being as bad as these flex-lords are like, oh, say, “ELO Hell**”?

**note: does not actually exist; you’re just not as good as you assume you are. That one trick player? Better than you.


If a player is playing poorly it is. Blizzard needs to do a better job of defining what classifies a player as a thrower.

if it were QP then nobody would care. Comp is supposed to be a skill based mode. Not a playground for people who just want a gold weapon skin.

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No it isn’t
In fact the IN GAME report system clearly states that playing poorly is not a bannable offense.


Feeding. Bannable. A player playing poorly is a feeder and is no better than someone who is AFK or actively throwing the match.

Blizzard needs to stop pandering to casuals and idiot proof the game modes that are supposed to be played based on skill. They CANT have it both ways and expect Competitive gameplay to WORK!!! It totally DEFEATS the purpose of a skill based system when UNSKILLED players effect the outcome of a match based purely off their low skillset.

The minimum level needs to be increased from 25 to 50 or even 100 for Competitive. And players should have a minimum play time on any 3 heros (1 in each role) so they are prepared to get matched with other people who will take their one trick main.

Someone who plays Torb on attack BUT IS BEING MORE EFFECTIVE than other DPS and cannot be banned for playing Torb, yet many Torb players HAVE BEEN SUSPENDED simply because people DISAGREE with someones hero pick and they abuse the report system!!!

The report system is a joke just like that “play what you want” point of view. it is the worst contradiction and it poisons the Competitive environment.

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You are 2100 rank. You play poorly and are no better than any afk.
Should you be banned?


Performed poorly? Not when I have 52% average accuracy and get picks. Nice job making such a ridiculous assumption bub.

Stop the rank shaming and make a valid argument.

If you are so much better than your teammates why are you gold?


Playing Poorly =/= Feeding
Therefore it is not reportable.
And I’m not going to read the rest being that it’ll be just as incorrect as your first statement.