Why aren't onetricks getting punished?

ana should be desabled in low ranks

Really rank shaming is still a thing ?

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tell that to every poor soul that’s been banned by this system for playing off meta

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It’s not shaming if it’s true.


You called him out on his opinon becuse he is lower ranked than you ? How is this not rank shaming
As for your question he if is playing his best at that rank he is fine but if he trolls (picking hero you never played before is trolling) he should get punished

He wants to ban people that according to him are bad players.

They have the same rank so they are as bad as he is.

According to me he, given his sr, is a bad player, so I just asked if he should be banned.

I consider myself quite bad at the game by the way, but I wouldn’t like to be banned for it.


The screen where you submit a gameplay sabotage report specifically states that poor play is not reportable

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Problem is there are scum players that report anyway, they try to make the whole lobby report one player for one tricking or playing bad (and most of the time they are playing worse than the player they want reported).

Sadly since reports are automated these trash, evil people get innocents bannee with their false reports.


And a Moira who tries to flank a full health Sym ISN’T feeding?? That what you are saying? Cause thats ridiculous to think that its not.

Whether or not someones is throwing, feeding or sabotaging is purely subjective to the situation.

If someone is making the attempt on a hero they aren’t used to and coordinating with their team, trying their best and failing, THAT is the difference between a decent person and a thrower because throwers and feeders simply do what they want regardless of what the team wants.

If someone is asked to switch to Soldier to counter a Pharrah but that player isnt USED TO PLAYING HITSCAN DPS…that is NOT throwing if they do not do well. They have been courtious enough to be flexible and it doesnt end up benefiting the team, but at least they TRIED to be helpful.

This is what Blizzard needs to DEFINE AS THROWING VERSUS NOT THROWING!!

i do not thik one tricks is a big problem if they play a character that is usefull to the group.
i think role q will help for this problem.

It’s not against their irrelevant rules maybe, but anyone can report for anything therefore it is bannable by default. As is everything.

It “shouldn’t” be punishable though. That is dumb.

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My point stands that poor play is not reportable per Blizzards rules

Because you are allowed to pick whatever characters you want as long as there are no duplicates. Those are the rules, the end.

Meta comes from players, not Blizzard. Nobody gets punished from not breaking the rules.

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yep, when the guy gets 60% of his ult on ashe in 3 minutes, he is most definitely better, than me

They should really put “deliberately” in front of feeding. Even though in the context it is obvious and the wording contains “intentionally” at some point iirc and says not poor play etc.


Problem is… How can you say someone is deliberately feeding?

Yesterday I did a mid diamond placement. The enemy widow (3.4) had 5 elims/life with 78% scoped and 23% critical.

My genji went from 3.1 e:d to 1.6 LOL (only 2 games on him) In my defense both healers and the dva peeled the widow each time I dived her. Could only kill her with blade…

If my team didn’t know better (we end up running double shield genji dva, we lost but we made her swap in defense) they could have reported me for throwing.

They’re punished by dropping like rocks

So enemy widow was better and our team can report you then? Are you serious?

That’s my point. How do you spot someone intentionally feeding or someone just losing?

Unless your teammate is spamming hello and not shooting it’s very hard to tell.


Use your brain and eyes maybe. Playing stupid and just feeding is very different. Think what is the player trying to acomplish. Is he just trying to die or is he trying to make some idiot play… it’s not that hard. If you cant decide its just stupid play in 90% of cases.

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