Why aren't actual smurf accounts banned?

Yeah but that gm mercy isnt gonna have a 90 winrate in diamond like a GM Doom


Its simply encouraged in the community. Devs & streamers all do it. If it does get banned, switch to another account. Sad but true.

I don’t understand why people watching streams find some mouthbreather griefing silver or bronze players entertaining…

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Sounds like a good argument.

You do realize that new accounts start at games which are placed in silver-gold range right.

This is simply inaccurate. I have placed 2 brand new accounts in plat and diamond.

This. If a diamond/master player is in bronze, it’s because they were throwing placements so they could trash low rank players. Which should get you banned from competitive, not just a crappy SR loss.

Read again what i wrote. I am not talking about where you place after all placement games.

Smurfs should either be banned or should only play against other smurfs.

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I run into lvl20s in diamond/masters, so it doesnt place you in gold/silver unless you play like 1 or try to place low. unless blizzard does something against people making alts this problem as with many many others will never go away, if the very small chance .01% this guy gets banned/suspended for blatantly throwing games to stay silver, he just changes accounts or makes new one and there is nothing stopping it. hell he could be aimbotting in silver to just make the game suck for people and get caught and banned for memory hacking and there is still nothing stopping him from just making another account and doing it again outside of needing to change the hack some to not be auto banned.

i have reported thousands smurf accounts and they never banned for smurfing

  1. New account = more money for Blizzard

Considering smurfing is cheating, the former would be preferred but the latter would also be acceptable.

I highly doubt that you’ve reported thousands.

I play on console and I’ve reported quite a lot since launch, but nowhere close to “thousands”.

Not on console. Smurf accounts are free to make on Xbox & PS4.

Due to all respect to console players but PC is the real deal… Blizzard is looking upon OWL like the own God they created which is for PC players + majority of ow players are PC players, thats why you need to buy another acc if u want to have an alt… Get over it. PC master race

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who cares, they’re insecure and underage most of the time. in 1, maybe 2 games, you will never play with them again.

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That too as well, people are just crying way too much… The bigger problem that can be identified are boosted players/players that do not belong in certain elo… :slight_smile:

Do you have proof to back up this claim?


No, the bigger problem that can be identified is toxic players like you.

The less players like you in game, the better off everyone else will be.

1.) Check official reports in gaming industry, take the sample, Overwatch, as any other game fits in. For global gaming, believe or not, Mobile games has biggets userbase, then comes PC and after that consoles where PS is slightly better than Xbox in numbers. I doubt that Overwatch is anything different than global trends.

2.) As I said, Blizzard is PC oriented company, their exclusives are for PC, their focus is on PC players/tournamemnts. We all know that most things they do/change/patch/fix is coming from OWL sources/reports/suggestions. Ok, sorry if i hurt your feeling with PC master race, take my applogise, i shouldnt say that perhaps, but next time if you want to pull things out of content, highlight the part where i said due to all respect to console players

3.) Ill simply ingore this constantation.


blizzard hardly cares about games sales except for milestones in monthly active users and total purchases for more brand awareness. anywhere from 30-25% is what is actually earned from the game purchases. and while that’s not small number, their main revenue comes from subscriptions, ingame purchases, licensing, and merchandise.

also, the proof is in the quarterly report stating that there are 3% more console earnings than pc across all games. considering some games are pc only, the distribution towards games that are both might actually tell a different story…