Why Are We So Intent on Making Orisa Powerful?

I don’t get it. Why is the tank with the easiest kit being given the most buffs. I mean one button press gives you 125 bonus health, immunity to CC, immunity to headshots, 50% dmg reduction, and improved heat sink to fire her weapon longer. Crazy part is, it’s not even her only defensive cooldown. Even crazier part is, both her defensive cooldowns have offensive pushing power. It’s ludicrous how difficult she is to take down while still presenting an offensive threat.

I get that you aren’t supposed to challenge her, but wtf do you do when she has a support on her back and she decides to challenge you?


The extra temp HP was supposed to offset her nerf due to the lack of armour and gold stacking now. and it roughly does


She is weak to flanks, as Orisa always was. You dive her backline.


easiest tank? not even close imo, her primary fire already makes her more difficult than most of the roster if ur going for headshots

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‘‘Easiest tank’’ as if Reinhardt didnt exist.


Rien’s mere existence is feeding 25% of the time minimum in the opinion of think tank main

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The Rein mains will have your head if they see this.


The change was to offset a change to armor so that she felt roughly the same as she did before.

Currently when she uses Fortify while having her armor health, she doesn’t get any net buff other than no headshot damage because of the way armor dmg reduction works now. Before you’d get effectively 60% dmg reduction, now you just get 50% no matter what.

Essentially though it was a net nerf to her, so no she didn’t exactly get buffed.

I am a Sym and LW main, they already hate me.


Don’t worry I am sure one of the next hero’s will be a tank, and some how it will break the game even more. Perhaps auto aim railgun that goes through walls or something?


Her ability rotation is also really good. Press spin, get to cover for 2 seconds, come out Golden. As soon as Golden is over you get another spin. Throw jav, get to cover, ji.ggle peek. Wait until you have spin again. I think you just have to wait like 3 seconds until you have Golden again, thus all the abilities up and that’s when Orisa is somehow vulnerable(in those 3 seconds). I don’t know the exact numbers because I barely play Tank and Orisa, but I know if the rotation is done well, she’s really hard to kill. This is why there’s the saying: “don’t shoot the horse”.


Pretty much “hard to kill” is all she really has. Her dmg is mediocre at best. It’s fairly hard to track her primary fire at short range and for what ever reason it’s a projectile with dmg fall off at longer range… her spear is a good burst of dmg but again fairly hard to land with consistency on hard targets.

Simply put Orisa is mostly something to ignore/avoid. If you do so there isn’t a lot she can do about it.

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You flank her supports, kill them and kill her

Isn’t that simple?

She doesn’t do well at high ranks, but she stomps all over low ranks. Guess which one they care about? I’m not arguing they should balance for low ranks, but if heroes like Orisa make games at low ranks pretty miserable to play, which she does by being unkillable, then you’re not going to get low rank players hanging around long enough to work their way up the ranks.

After the latest buffs Orisa is in way too many low-rank games and is, again, the switch-to tank when losing.

They won’t nerf rein to an acceptable level because Flats will whine like a child until he is buffed again.

Rein takes the LEAST skill of ANY tank in the whole damn game and yet can have the MOST impact. Hilarious.


Originally I didnt mind Rein being strong because in 6v6 he still allowed and enabled other tanks, specially after Orisa was turned into paste by sheer nerfing.

But right now in 5v5 Rein is just making half the tank heroes flat out trash.

I do find it really weird they keep doing this but I also have found it not to have much affect on anything.

They seem confounded that the best way to play against Orisa is to just ignore her but can’t fix it without increasing dps because of how simple the game is to solve these days, can’t imagine why.

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Brigitte love horsey whee horsey go horsey im on horseys back yay horsey

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because she requires no skill, anything with a low skill floor is pushed to the front anything requiring some time to master is pushed to the back.

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Reinhardt is a playable hero you know