Why are we buffing bastion?

Hate to be picky, but could you please link the second one? It’s titled “Bastion isn’t forgotten, he’s just ignored”

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One hanzo and he is dead. No matter where he sits.

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Not a problem at all. I was just thinking that myself as well :yum:

Here you are my good man


Ha, that’s kinda funny…It’s actually literally the exact opposite… Well, almost, he’s second to Tracer (if you don’t include shotguns, which aren’t rapid fire).

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I wish people who make these threads would include what they’re talking about.

What buffs are you referring to? The general hitscan falloff buff, or is there some Bastion-specific buff that was posted somewhere and it’s up to us to go dig up info about? Like geeez. None of us have crystal balls

Do you even recon Bastion, bro???

And this was when i stopped taking this too seriously… -.-

Bastion’s Skill ceiling, And Damage (Through higher skill) Should indeed be increased.

The easiest and smallest “Rework” that i have always been pushing for is:

  • Headshots.
  • Lowered/Tightened Spread.

This would both raise the skill ceiling, And Damage/Danger of a disregarded or otherwise Non-Focused Bastion.

This “Argument” Is what i absolutely HATE About Non-Bastion players, And the like.

Recon can barely 1v1 a Soldier 76, And not even one with good aim.
(And Recon vs Tracer is Laughable, Since… She’s still a Tank shredder)

It’s “Ok” At the moment, but… Just “Using Recon More” Is no kind of answer to Sentry and Tank being suicide buttons.

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You mean fat soldier mode? Sure, the max spread is pretty low, but soldier can maintain perfect accuracy with good fire control. Bastion can’t do that. His recon weapon is objectively inferior to soldier’s weapon, and because of that the only reason to play Bastion is for Sentry mode.

So we should be comparing the viability of Sentry mode to other heroes, not recon mode. Recon is just a utility mode used to reposition or finish weak targets that want to run away. Using it for anything else is a mis-use of the hero select screen.

I would love to see you rank up with Bastion once it goes live, then. Let’s see how high you climb.

Yes, I was alluding to the fact that Mercy is the easiest character in the game.

Wait, Bastion did get buffed?

Halt! no longer pulls him when he’s in sentry form, and of course the fall-off buff to the hitscan heroes.

Oh that one.
I thought there is a new buff.

All the bads shudder when Blizzard even hints at Bastion, or Mei getting buffs.

  1. You missed the context.
  2. I have 37 hours on Bastion, him being my 4th most played hero.

As a bastion main it really sounds like TC doesn’t know what he’s talking about. He doesn’t mow down entire teams, and it really sounds like he doesn’t know how to counter him when facing one. He has among the most counters in the game. He is not almost unstoppable. And if there is ded weight on yer team yer not gonna have a chance. It really takes a team working in harmony to get anywhere near how TC is describing it. And if they are working that well then hero pick probably didn’t matter to begin with.

The one issue people can have with Bastion, are the barriers in front of him, which is actually the tanks’ fault.

He’s my First played hero, Check my stats.
I Have at Least As much time on Bastion, as you do with Widow… If not more.

(On a CONTROLLER Nonetheless.)

It’s affect was never that much when he was in sentry to begin with. I could be sitting two feet from a ledge and it would only move me like a foot. This is almost irrelevant.

You do know they nerfed the aiming skill out of him? Right?

Small spreads promote skill. They nerfed his sentry spread and in doing so reduced the skill you could get out of aiming with it.

Sure there is still positioning skills to try to get the most of it… but they took the aiming skill out of it to make it truly just spray and pray.

He IS a chain gun in sentry mode and he IS intended to be anti-tank. He is built to mulch things alive. Further he is stationary while in sentry and mobility brings a lot of strength to it. He needs firepower in exchange for the loss of the strength of mobility.

That just suggests you do not know to… looks at rank ah. You are a fellow low rank in gold. You probably have not figured out how to counter him or if you have an idea how to you are generally in an environment where it is difficult to get the team to work together cohesively to deal with the problem. Which is why you have this idea of him being really strong when in fact statistically the higher up you go the more apparent it is that he is incredibly weak to the point of being a literal ghost above gold.