Why are we buffing bastion?

Nano boost, damage boost, supercharger, etc. You forgot many different factors when you were talking about how much damage he deals.

If the enemy Bastion has those things, then you should have a Mercy (or other healer) of your own to counteract it.

These are factor is how much damage anyone deals, they don’t have any specific effect on Bastion.

…Until a Hanzo comes and destroys you with storm arrow


You contradicted yourself when you said that no healers can out heal bastion’s damage output, like many different heroes, but yet you say healers can counter that

They can help against the extra damage, not outheal him entirely. I’m saying if you’re going to factor in Bastion’s team helping him, you have to factor in your team helping you.


Bastion is already a high skill cap hero.
He is just countered by tanks too much… Sentry mode is weak, but he won’t get the necessary buffs to kill tanks, because then he’d be too good against squishy heroes.

Bastion has been a pure dumpster fire for ages now. He is incredibly weak and has only been good in a gimick comp for one map.

I don’t see how he doesn’t need a buff.

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Bastion has consistently been the worst hero in the game. He is not difficult to counter. The only map he is even somewhat useful on is Junkertown.

Just because you are unable to counter an easily counterable hero does not mean that the hero needs nerfs.

He does not need a buff in his current stage because he would be too strong, I am just saying that make him a more skill needed hero, which might mean a rework.

Spoken like a man who has no idea what “positioning” means.

Like boi have you even heard of Mercy?

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Please remember that there are many factors that come into play, such as sheilds, healing, etc.

Mercy is actually easy.
On the other hand Bastion has the most accurate rapid fire hitscan weapon in the game.

Completely my opinion but thank you anyway for your “insightful” feedback.

Yes, I am considering the entire team playing around him. The hero is trash unless played on Junkertown attack. And even then, he becomes useless once you get him off the payload and he’s unable to set back up.

If you are thinking about a rework, you should check out the Bastion megathread, we have many ideas.

(If someone could provide the link that would be great, the only way I can figure out how to do it is by quoting stuff from other threads)

Unless its Reinhardt, apparently.

Bastion isn’t unskillee though. You can counter him pretty easily in his turret form. Good bastions have to know how to position, when to move themselves, when they need to plop down, and whether they are in a good spot to ult (due to being vulnerable while transforming).

He’s also garbage right now. He’s just bad and really easy to beat, which leaves me confused on the reasoning here.

Also, blizz needs to aim to make every hero viable. Bastion has one map with one gimick comp he can do this on, and it can be countered by a good tracer, Mei, etc.

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I got you covered!

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I fixed the post so most of you will know what I mean when I say “Nerf”