Why are there so many mercy mains on the forums?

that is not the OG beyblade.
a real beyblade is the ability of Ana’s nano boost to also give the ability of 50% speed boost added with lucio’s speed boost it was a train just waiting to hit you.

There are a lot of dps mains, but after the latest Mercy nerfs, and all the nerfs/changes before this one, Mercy mains have been working together to find a way to fix Mercy, and try to get others to understand their point. Plus Blizzard has been seemingly ignoring us, and we want answers from them.

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You probably missed out on the actual Beyblade meta, where Ana could speed boost with her nano. Sadly, the speed was removed because, well, it was OP as hell.

1: She’s the most popular hero in the game.
2: She’s extremely powerful and fairly easy to play.
3: There are a lot of Mercy mains who are very vocal and think they’re victims because their extremely powerful hero keeps getting nerfed.
4: People love drama and Mercy generates copious amounts of drama.

Most of them got bullied off of the forums by snooty support mains who blame them for anything and everything related to balance (because clicking on your team instead of the enemy team automatically makes you superior to everyone else).

That’s pretty toxic…

Have you ever thought of the reason why? She’s literally been the most played support for a year after the rework, nerfed 14? times now, and it’s still called a “successful rework”…

You can think and say that but it generally isn’t true, we just want to talk about the hero that we want enjoyable again.

Since when, no Mercy main makes anyone feel like that, and they never say it. Sure there are some bad apples, but don’t put all of us in the category.

If your favorite hero was reworked, with most Mercy mains not agreeing (they didn’t know), then nerfed 11+ times, and they still considered it a “successful rework”, wouldn’t you be the least bit upset?

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