Why are there so many mercy mains on the forums?

Mercy is a very popular hero, this is also a “feedback” forum so it’s kinda the “vocal minority” speaking up. Mercy has a couple issues regarding balance, when people have issues with something they go to the forums to speak their mind. When Brigitte was first release there was a bunch of Genji and Tracer players coming to complain about Brig

No, not really. On the forums, there are 10 “thank you, tank / support mains” posts for every 1 post praising DPS mains. In my competitive games, the DPS are almost always blamed when losing, and treated like scum. It’s just easy to see why most of them don’t bother spending their time here.

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People just love blaming everyone but themselves for their problems. DPS players are the majority in-game due to the sheer amount of Damage heroes (more than 50% of the roster) and therefore naturally attract more flak, especially because Damage is, by far, the most forgiving role you can play in the game.


It’s true that there are more DPS mains in the game, but that’s not the reason that they attract more flak. They generally receive more toxicity because of numerous negative stereotypes (i.e the Genji player who continuously tries to 1v6 the entire enemy team and then blames his healers) that simply aren’t true, and never happen. Also, there are a lot of tank / support players who believe that the people who lock in DPS don’t actually care about helping their team win, are selfish and toxic, etc. etc. Also, the natural thought process for most players in this game when losing is, “nothing is dying, therefore our DPS is trash”. This is often not the case, but they’ll call you trash and tell you to swap off anyways.

What? Explain.


I’d like an elaboration on this part too. How exactly?

All the DPS are on Reddit. Complaining is nurtured here and it’s easier to post your highlights in Reddit.

I think what they mean is a DPS can fight their way out of just about anything if they’re good enough.

People always frame a support’s (especially Mercy’s) comparatively low ability to click on heads as “a support doesn’t ‘have’ to do this”. But the reality is that in most cases, they can’t.

Take Zen for example. Positioning with him is life and death. He has higher kill potential than any other Support in the game, but if even he screws up even slightly on his positioning, he’s dead.

It seems like your opinion isn’t taken very seriously if you’re a DPS main. They’re commonly looked down upon for their lack of knowledge for the other roles, understandable I guess. It really just depends, It’s like if a DPS player is complaining about the amount of shields currently in the game, seems understandable from their perspective but they might not be aware how miserable it is actually to play a tank like Reinhardt.

I could be wrong however.

Which could really be said about support or tank too. So it’s not just a specific role.

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That is also true, however some supports mix into the other categories as well, Moira, Lucio and Zenyatta with their DPS abilities and Brigitte to tank. Not saying you’re wrong or anything like that. Sombra and Torbjorn also have their “supporting abilities” to aid their teammates.

Support and tank mains get a lot more respect on these forums as I mentioned. Is it wrong to put down DPS mains for their choice of heroes. Absolutely. As much as many tank/support players don’t want to admit it we’d get nothing done without you dealing the damage for us!

My cat got me into Mercy tbh

DPS mains are basically the boogeyman of these forums. And Mercy is the most popular hero, especially on the forums.

Dunno. They’re everywhere though.

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Reddit is full of people who actually like playing the game, the forums are full of jaded Mercy mains who scream in an echo chamber in hopes of getting changes.

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In the olden days Dva mains used to rumble with Mercy mains.

But they never won. :disappointed_relieved:

Because this is the first time in a year (or longer depending on rank) that Mercy isn’t the best healer to pick for every comp/map.

Also the delayed reaction is because a lot of Mercy mains didn’t think this nerf would do anything because “Mercy will always be a must-pick with Rez on cooldown”.

Forums tend to bring people that are having problems with the way things are going in. I made less than five posts on forums for the first few months I played the game. I made less than 600 posts on the old forums combined. I think I am already past 700 posts on the new forums.

Generally speaking you’ll find the people that read new on reddit in the big subs
will bury any content they disagree with/don’t care about and the people on new aren’t necessarily an accurate representative of the sub as a whole.

I used to make surveys on reddit and I found that to avoid getting the survey buried you had to bias the questions slightly to match what the people on new felt. The results significantly swung once the surveys actually hit the main page of the sub as you got more normal people.

Then, you’ve got the issue of moderators. Many subs have rules that can offer leeway to remove content they dislike or that outright ban certain types of content.

For example, the Competitive Overwatch subreddit removed evidence that an OWL player was soliciting minors.

I know a lot of people are very upset about our removal of threads relating to this topic. We take accusations such as these very seriously, and in no way condone or defend such behavior. But accusations with ramifications such as this can cut both ways. If these accusations had been false, the player in question’s career, reputation, and livelihood could have been destroyed because of something he didn’t do. We simply weren’t going to take that chance.

Because of this, we decided to wait for an official statement, either from Blizzard, Boston, or Dreamkazper himself before allowing discussion on the topic. Our intent was not to suppress the topic entirely, but rather to ensure that accused parties are not unfairly attacked.

This stuff can easily totally destroy a career, whether rightly or wrongly.

Thankfully, unlike many other organizations over the past few decades Boston Uprising promptly did the right thing once they know about it and they deserve to be commended for it.

The subreddit choose to follow the various press organizations and other groups in the past that choose protecting someone’s reputation even in the face of significant evidence over voicing the truth.

Personally, I think reddit would improve significantly from getting rid of downvotes and letting the sub’s users individually decide which users moderating actions would apply to what they saw. Thus, if mod x goes on a rampage against content they dislike users can choose to ignore them completely and continue posting as they were.

If you are just casually viewing in one of the bigger subreddits the moderation does very little for you much of the time. The front page is all going to be content that has gotten a decent number of upvotes and the same is true for the top of the comments.

If you are ever curious what moderation does in a sub replace the r in reddit with a c and you’ll see everything they’ve deleted in red(not all red is deleted by them but most is). You’ll find the moderation is more necessary on regular posts in some subs than others and that in some the mods are significantly more active for a variety of reasons from the subs design to personal reasons. For example, AskHistorians deletes everything that doesn’t meet their standards so that when they actually have an answer it’s almost always an incredibly good one.

Obviously because now their swiss medic bae is COMPLETELY unplayable and unfun. Duh.

Because their unhappy and their hero is still being worked on.

When Hog get his nerf, there was RoadHog mains
When Dva get her changes there were Dva Mains. et cetera et cetera
its just that since Mercy’s “successful” rework, shes been a problem and she’s always getting changes so her mains are always here.


I occasionally play with a Reaper onetrick; beyblade is still situationally viable, it’s the rest of Reaper that has problems.

The mess of the Mercy rework is what brought me to the forums. If it wasn’t for that I’d be happily playing the game instead. Now I don’t play and post here in the hope that someday they’ll fix her.

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