Why are the forums so restrictive?

-This post has been removed for breach of forum etiquette and blasphemy against the forum gods.-



I like how I posted a response to this pointing out that it’s easier for Blizzard to ignore their community if that community is highly censored, and that post ended up deleted. How else would I be tracking this post because “you posted a reply to this topic” yet I don’t have a response in the thread?

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To many good threads are dying to fast. To many.

I just got a notice saying I have to wait 55 minutes to like another post… to…like…a…post… why…

Because if you like too many posts that aren’t Daddy Jeff’s, he gets jealous.

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As i forget and go to like your post. lol

papa Jeff is always watching!

The problem with links comes from past situations with Blizzard forums.

Years ago all Blizzard forums allowed links, however phishing site scams and other not friendly sites became more and more common both from said scammers and bots and for every one person who checks a link first there is a bunch who don’t, hence Blizzard ended up disabling all links.

They then fixed it so you could post links but not hyperlinks, so you’d have to copy and paste a link if you wanted to go there (bar Blizzard sites), this at least had people check a link abit closer (again this was years ago, before Overwatch even existed).

Now we have new forums and with everything new there is teething issues, the problem is people think the new forums where a ‘turn on and forget about it’ thing, when really there are updates and code changes happening behind the scenes already.

It’s been flat out said by Blizzard that hyperlinking/embedding images/gifs etc is part of the Trust Levels system the forum has in place.

People have found ways around things which are bugs being fixed, the </> method hasn’t been confirmed to be a bug or not as of yet but I know linking to Blizzard sites should come back at some point.

Basically it’s a constant work in progress not a finished product they simply forget about, for normal linking we may see some trusted sites return to normal uses sometime (ie Blizzard sites) but hyperlinks and even more so picture embedding/gifs will stay behind the trust levels because of how easily they can be exploited/spammed if they were given to all users.

The forum is very locked down. Made a thread about it that noone looked at.

h ttps://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/overwatch/t/more-features-on-the-forum/25913

Ps: Can´t even link to other forum posts… GG Blizzard!


Just as an example of how discourse forums can work, take a look here:

h ttps://forum.level1techs.com/t/freenas-all-ssds/125718

  1. That is irrelevant. Get your point across as long as its understood grammar is meaningless.

  2. I was agreeing with you. -.-

  1. I care about grammar. I would get it if English wasn’t your first language, but if you have at least some proficiency in how to construct a proper-looking sentence, then I would prefer you extend that effort to forums, because improper grammar can sometimes get the wrong point across. For example: you could be saying “Their dog is cute,” but if you said “They’re dog is cute,” then it just comes across as lazy. I despise grammar, yet even I care.
  2. I didn’t realize. Sorry.

Too specific to be worth anything honestly.

Though you’re right ,we do need more specific topic ,as general discussion isn’t in the best spot right now

Intentional, I’m sure

These are the last things blizzard care about, especially with how sensitive OWL is becoming I think that soon it will be even worse than AGDQ. But if you think about it is a lot more effective to have a repressive system that allows minimum of freedom that way they need minimum of resources spent on its support and control.

Relax with the grammar. We’re here to read share opinions or like the other half post silly things.

If the community were to be trusted and acted in good faith… but that’s not the case. Allow GIFs/pictures for any user will give a lot of confusion. EDIT: Not to mention the rain of spam on about "use hack ", "OW for free ", etc.

Or post links like this.


All those were empty promises. I’ve seen tons of companies make these claims now. Bethesda forums becoming Bethesda dot net, Steam moving from SPUF to Steam Users Discussions, Nexon’s big forum “upgrade,” all of them toted new features, better service. All of them are buggy, script heavy, poorly coded piles of garbage, with terrible UI’s, and worse mobile support. None of them gave the promised features (except Steam partly did, with a market related catch). I got about what I expected from the new forums, which was a downgrade. All you can do is submit bug reports and hope someone’s listening.

did you know the word b*ngo is banned on the forum?

True at least just let us post links even without the thumbnails, sure there are work around Bt that’s just annoying

People do use it as a way to say itch with a b.