Why are so many taking this beta so SERIOUSLY?

It is just a beta. Nothing matters. Your rank will be gone, your win/loss will be gone. You will have to do it all over again.


The beta period will be used to properly determine MMR when system is out of beta, so if everyone who plays the beta just acts like it’s QP+, Blizzard isn’t going to get any accurate data to help transition the MMR system to a role-based one, probably putting you lower than you should be.


Heavens forbid they play the game.


Are you sure about that? That’s not quite what I think Blizz said…

It’s literally the entire reason it’s in a beta phase. Adjusting SR’s per role is a huge change and requires testing and data so they have stats to go off of.

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The beta has impact on MMR, and with the whole new system, your MMR is gunna change wildly.

So thats why.

While your sr from beta will not be carried over it still gives the devs your mmr throughout roles to better gauge and tweak changes for when it’s officially out.

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Cuz if you have been here for the past 3 years you would know that everything always stays the same.

MMR is on QP, not SR, so what are we saying?

Are we not talking about role Q beta? Mmr on qp is not the same as comp.

people shouldnt take rank seriously anyway.

Guarantee you will pick up where you leave off in the Beta.


I like winning, and you can’t win if you don’t take it seriously, unless you are extremely lucky. Also, it’s fun seeing what roles you are best and worst at, especially if they aren’t ones you normally play.

??You have 2 separate MMRs, one is for QP other one is for Comp

I’m trying to get good at sigma so I want to take it seriously. People in my games are taking it seriously for the most part.

Even if it’s a beta that will get wiped people still want a competitive experience. It is, after all, called competitive still. Beta or not.

It’s beta, being critical now is more important than ever

It’s funner so naturally I play the game more seriously.

Unless I am mistaken, MMR is the hidden score for QP, SR is just the revealed comp version. AFAIK the two are not linked according to Blizzard.

A lot of people don’t get this. It doesn’t help too when new people try to enter comp and get picked on or, or don’t know the impact of placing badly.

MMR is the match making rating and exists in qp and comp. It’s the most accurate stat to tell the devs where you actually belong and who to place you with in a game. Sr does not necessarily match your mmr.