Why are so many taking this beta so SERIOUSLY?

I’m sorry, but can you quote that from a source? Everything I am reading clearly states that QP performance is independent of SR… there might be an MMR value for QP and one for Comp, with SR revealed… but I’m pretty sure QP doesn’t affect Comp… are you indicating then that there is a separate MMR for Comp from QP? If so, I agree with that…

SR =/= MMR, but MMR exists in both QP and comp. I think the only time QP MMR affects comp is when you hit lvl 25 for your very first placements.

Because they are trying to have 2/2/2 role - lock removed for some reason and are failing miserably at it.

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MMR and rating formula will stay
The Bot that thinks your real rank is for some reason is wrong and fixing it by giving you no SR for wins will stay

I think it is because most people are not aware they will delete the stats because that makes literally no sense to begin with.

A test is better if it represents the actual as fit as possible.

WyomingMist confirmed that beta will have no impact on mmr and placements next season.

That said, regardless of what anyone thinks I see no reason why not to treat beta “seriously” regardless of the fact.

Just because it’s beta, I don’t have to go solo healer as Baptiste when my Moira goes full dps mode entire match long. Isn’t healthy.