Why are people who type EZ after every win to the other team not permanently muted?

Right. And that isnt lighthearted competitive teasing. That is bullying.

I understand your point and its definitely in good heart, but I think a massive problem in society today as a whole is realizing true discriminatory and offensive comments and behavior. Labeling everything you interpret as offensive undermines genuinely toxic and unacceptable behavior in society as we know it today.

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Considering your default is to ignore everyone who disagrees with you it seems absurd to me youd have any kind of communication enabled in game. If you’re gonna unironically compare saying ez to the n word or homophobia then you’re neither strong enough nor grounded enough to benefit from having communication enabled.


You get used to it from people like that after a while and just stop trying to reason with them. Even if you aren’t the one they scream “ignored!” at, if they’re doing it at anyone who disagrees without even bothering to respond it’s pretty obvious nothing will come from discussion.

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I don’t play PC but IMO that was a silly move to allow players from other teams to communicate amongst each other. It should just be with your team, your group and regional.

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i imean its ccompetitive game aand trash talk is paart of competitioon ??? liike if ur thhat easiliy ofended u shoulddnt pbe playing ranked ???)&


I honestly think that words shouldn’t be banned at all.
Words are just that. A profanity filter is a great idea, maybe with custom settings so that you don’t have to see crap YOU don’t want to.
But hell I don’t give a damn what people say to me, I don’t care how much they swear or use words they “shouldn’t”. Hell I think its great, be expressive!
I think making words banned just shows how soft people really are.


Like I’ve said over and over now, too many snowflakes, too many people crying “this hurt my feelings! This offended me!” there is a reason this game is rated 16+, stop being children and realize “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me”.

If they really cared about toxicity, they wouldn’t promote the most toxic players that stream the game! They dont’ give AF about anything but the revenue streams

Or maybe they dont care about mediocre trash talk between players. the ones getting offended probably shouldn’t have internet.


this. (20 chars lol)

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Its taunting, dont even give a **** about it. Wonder why u guys lost and just go into the next game.

Tl;dr they can’t type EZ if you win. Just stop losing to trolls lol


First of all, I want to say that I agree with you that people who say ‘ez’ are pathetic little cretins.
Having said that, I think auto-muting them goes a bit far. Assuming the report system does its job, they should get a timeout once they’ve been reported enough times. In addition, these days I just turn off all chat at the start of my first match of the day, and that prevents this from even being an issue. (I do agree that it would be nice if the game remembered this setting, rather than having to click it again every session, but that’s a small matter.)

I will type my next gg ez in honor of this post


Sorry you’re so sensitive over seeing 2 letters in chat. Welcome to the world of online gaming.
