Why are people who type EZ after every win to the other team not permanently muted?

All acronyms scare me.

(All we need is someone with the handle “acronyms” to post in this thread…)

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Just because something doesn’t bother you doesn’t mean that everyone else is the same.

You could do with being a bit more empathetic.

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Telling someone to kill themselves is not the same as telling someone that a win was easy


They leave it in to sell new accounts.

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Leave him alone, he is sad and lonely.

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This thread revealed the people who type “EZ” after they’re carried to a win. And they’re all perma-ignored.


Just mute them. Problem solved.

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Same thing for people who post racist, homophobic comments, death threats, etc. Right? Blizzard shouldn’t do anything because you can mute them AFTER they do it.

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Yes, actually. It’s my decision whether I want to see it or not. I can block them and mute them if I’m bothered by it. But considering how Blizzard is fawning after the CCP, it wouldn’t surprise me if they take the authoritarian path forward.


Police should arrest people before they commit murder, that way nobody gets murdered.


Horrible analogy. You are saying police should NOT permanently stop known serial attempted murderers from being able to attempt murder again. THAT would be a proper analogy, and not one many people will support you on I’m afraid. Most people like people with dozens of attempted murder convictions to remain in jail. You’re suggesting to call the cops on them each time they try to kill you, but then let them go so they can do it again. Ignore listed.

(Had to go with attempted murder because you cannot murder the same person twice).

wow this took a side turn out to left field. maybe you have had enough internet for today? im giving you the night off!

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If you think “ez” is that toxic, you have a really loose definition of toxic.

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What do you mean “that” toxic? It’s only ever toxic. The severity is irrelevant when there is no way to say it that isn’t toxic.

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Theres a difference between lighthearted teasing and actively trying to bully someone.

Teasing in video games has been a thing for years.

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So has making fun of people for being homosexual, disabled, short, unattractive, etc. Just because something has been around for a long time doesn’t mean it should be accepted.

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i gave you the night off superbunny. go smoke a joint, drink a beer, sit outside. just do anything that isnt replying on this thread. you gotta chill.

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Address the topic, not me personally. Forum rules. Ignore listed.

i did address the topic, then you keep steering it into left field. so again, i go back to you need to chill the f out. or continue to live in your tiny pathetic little world. either one, i do not care. EZ is not reportable, and the fact you think it is, shows how little you understand.


This post is total bait.
