Why are people who type EZ after every win to the other team not permanently muted?

If Blizzard cares about toxicity, why not remove their ability to type to the other team? Problem solved.


Isn’t that a chat setting? You can opt out of enemy chat in this game. Why should everyone have to lose the option because you’re too stubborn to turn something off that annoys you?


Why should everyone lose the option of being toxic? Gee I don’t know.

You’re honestly defending people being able to spam EZ to the enemy team? Do you defend people being able to scream FIRE in a crowded theatre?

If this bothers you that much, how do you cope with literally anything that happens to you in real life?


“only my thoughts / concerns matter!” - welcome to 2020


I don’t interact with people who are like that in real life. I’m sorry if you have to.


Its a lot easier to have thicker skin than try to control the actions of 8 billion people.

So we should let people say the N word in chat too? And in fact it isn’t easier to change humans. It’s trivial easy to filter things (as they do), and very simple to automate punishment based on repeated trigger words (unsure if they do). That’s easier than getting 8 billion people to “have thicker skin.”

Even without that, they should make chat and block settings permanent, not reset on logout. I shouldn’t have to block the same user more than once, and shouldn’t have to opt out of chat every time I log in.


I don’t either, if I can help it - but the point I’m trying to make is that everyone - I don’t care who you are or where you’re from - you WILL run into people who are complete dicks - you have to just man up and learn how to deal with them. You can’t always run to the cops asking for a restraining order for everyone that looks at you cockeyed - which is kind of like what you’re asking for here.

But that’s the thing. Usually, you DON’T. Maybe in the 1960s you had to, but certainly not today. And in this situation, we wouldn’t have to if Blizzard implemented something to prevent them from doing it. And everyone would be better off in the long run for it: Normal people don’t have to deal with the toxicity, and the some of the toxic people will learn from their punishment how to be less toxic.

Which brings up something I’ve asked for before: all communication should be opt-in, not opt-out. Just like voice, there should be options for match chat and team chat (on and off). They can even put a nice warning about it when you switch it to “on” for the first time.

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If you get enough reports, blizzard will suspend you from being able to voice chat. I’m not sure if it also suspends text chat, but I would think it probably does.

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Because if Blizzard filtered everything that some lil snowflake got offended by, we wouldn’t even be allowed to speak in game.


Are you trolling?
You were asking for chat to the enemy team to be disabled for everyone because you don’t like what they say sometimes. Then when anyone points out the absurdity of that stance you fall on straw men like ‘oh you defend screaming fire in a theatre or shouting the n word’. Maybe your next response will be that anyone who thinks open chat shouldn’t be disabled is a N***. Idk if that rhetoric works for you on twitter or something, but even the forums are reasonable enough to not jump from ‘speech as an option’ to ‘approves of yelling n word’.

The more apt metaphor for what youre requesting would be you deciding to ban speaking in that public space, because if you don’t someone might scream fire.

Except your argument is actually somehow worse than that since unlike in real life you can auto mute those people, but decided rather than doing that you wanted all communication prevented instead.

As a last aside, just like free speech doesn’t protect things like hate crime, dangerous actions (fire in theatre example), libel or slander, Blizzard doesn’t condone stuff like hate speech either. It’s against ToS and people should and do report for it. What you really want is to be protected from the very potential of someone damaging your ego (like in your ez example). Which you actually even have an option for.

Just think about what you write?

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Reading comprehension. Let’s run it down, shall we?

If Blizzard cares about toxicity, why not remove their ability to type to the other team? Problem solved.

Well, the pronoun “their” implies I’m referring to some “them.” But how do we know who “they” are? Could it be…everyone…like you suggest? Well let’s dig a little deeper. There was a title preceding that sentence that may be relevant…

Why are people who type EZ after every win to the other team not permanently muted?

People is plural, and there are modifiers following the word that tell you exactly which people “they” refers to…WE HAVE A WINNER! (If you still can’t figure it out, I’ll give you a hint: it’s NOT “everyone”)

Stay in school.

Because two letters in the chat should not hurt you

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Is “KYS” appropriate too then? It’s 1 more.

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Has to be a bait post.

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You’re right, they shouldn’t, but not everyone reacts to things the same way you do.

Try to be a bit more open-minded in future, hm?

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I mean, whatever. Sometimes “ez” exposes their salt.

All in all, just block the person. The OW community could do with growing thicker skin and being less snowflakes.


In practice, people who gloat after wins and blame their teammates after losses generally do have action taken against their accounts, because they accumulate reports every game.