Why are people still complaining about the mass Rez?

Like I’ve said for the thousandth time, you don’t need to play such games.

Fine by me. Here are the boundaries I’m setting:

  • one second Cast time
  • LoS fixes
  • No invulnerability but rather, damage reduction.

… Now I just feel like you’re ignoring what I’m saying.

… Words can’t articulate how upset I am…


I get the feeling that you’re not telling us the entire story. :thinking: Also, would a link to said bait thread be available. Ofc, if it got deleted or locked, there’s no need to. Oh and btw! I wouldn’t recommend circumventing bans. The repercussions are quite harsh.

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I’m telling the entire story, both the topics that got me banned and the one I created with my second account were deleted.

It’s the simple truth, people reported me for saying one thing and then praised someone else for doing the same thing.

Come on, everybody with a second account will use it if their main one is suspended. I posted like 4 messages with it anyway, it’s not like I started a war or something.

Idk dude, all we do in these threads is repeat ourselves. No ult should have zero counterplay and not require the user to put himself in harmsway period. That’s my overall point summed into a sentence.

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Well no doubt, the Ana/Moira buffs do make the difference. And I have agreed with that since about 3 weeks after the Healer balance pass.

However, she’s not out of the ballpark on balance.

55hps, and maybe 1.25sec cast time on Rez, and she’d be perfectly viable below Diamond.

And can be easily over come by zarya press E on you bringing that mess again.

Did you miss the part where I suggest adding counterplay? Also, mass Res had counterplay. Counterplay doesn’t need to always be something you can do beforehand to prevent the a Resurrect. Countering Resurrect after it’s pulled of is very effective too.

Honestly depends on where the comments were getting posted.

Yeah, I know. I’m saying that it’s risky because of the repercussions.

You mean above and not below diamond right? I might be wrong but last time I checked her WR/Pickrate dropped in diamond and above.

That’s called teamwork… Also, one specific scenario where the cast time is useless is again, just one specific. If we were to cherry pick scenarios, a couple of different ultimates would be considered problematic.

I meant what I said.

At Diamond and above, Ana is very strong.

And personally I’m okay with Ana being the strongest are the highest skill tiers.

Also it’s very hard to predict things at high tiers, because they always come up with inventive unintended strategies.

Both topics were drama topics so the rules should be the same, right? It’s only fair it seems.

I could have gone to a GM with all these informations because I kept the logs and screenshots, either my suspension should have been lifted or AriaRose should have been banned too.

Either way I just gave up because I needed a break from the forums, 2 weeks later and nothing has changed anyway.

Teamwork should have counter just like grav+dragon, there is NO consequence for mercy that rezzing behind 2000 shield which zen and lucio ult can be countered if they ult behind

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When someone creates a scenario you claim it’s only a specific scenario, well a lot of these scenarios are more common than you might think…
Also do you think reapers main focus should be mercy or rein?

At this point, I can’t say.

Cherry pick scenarios and sure, it will look like an issue. Also, what issue is this? Did the devs specifically mention this when reworking her?

You do know that you can only prove that if you have accounts in all ranks and have played a certain amount of games for each account. In other words, unless you’re a Bronze player whilst also being a GM player, how common it is cannot be proven. Also, if we we’re just going off of our personal experiences, I’ll shoot back with, it isn’t common in my ranks.

Edit: Now that I think about it, this can be proven if you’ve watched games from bronze to GM in which case, I’d like to see atleast 10 games for each rank of those cherry-picked scenarios being common. :slight_smile:

This season I’m in plat, when Rez was a thing I was in high diamond. Got a friend who’s been playing since launch and almost got into top 500. (Rank 524).

Ok. Now then, I’ll wait for you to collect the sufficient data.

Devs said they reworked her to eliminate hide and rez behavior, mercy will not participate in the fight most of the time to avoid any ult because she will be the first that she will be targeted.

If nanoblade genji saw mercy he will kill her first before killing anyone which resulting in 0 rez
If genji ult then he didn’t see mercy he will kill 3 of your teammate then end up by getting killed by teammate rein, mercy then come from the corner and revive dead teammate resulting in 3 rez.

I think that was the MAIN problem, mass rez was very REWARDING for mercy that hide and punishing for mercy that keep near her teammate and do her job.

Do you want video footage? Cuz I admit I have none. I’ll look it up on yt if ya want but I admit. I have no evidence therefore your argument is still valid. Also I don’t have trust level 3.

EMP, Trans, Nano, any area denial ultimate.

I can’t take people like you seriously. I see you managed to basically single handedly win that team fight, but hey, because you didn’t kill this one stupid hero with a stupid ability, then you just have to do it again, if you are good.

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