Why are people still complaining about the mass Rez?

So, if I get a quad headshot streak as widow or I kill 3 people with doomfists combo all my efforts deserve to be put to waste because mercy pressed Q? The new ult is not amazing but Rez was much worst. I usualy don’t say these kind of things because it makes people look like triggered brats but this time it’s true. “It takes zero skill”. It’s been ages and the forums are still full of it. Move on.


I didn’t agree with it until last night. Somebody actually convinced me. So long as it comes with LoS and a cast time while also being able to have valk as an e ability so she doesn’t get deleted every time teen I’m okay with it.


It should be a high risk ult.
Make it take 6 seconds to pull off and mercy has 10pmhp while doing it. This way someone needs to protect mercy while she is using Rez.

If one of those kills wasn’t the healer, then yes you do.

If you’re good, you’ll just do it again on immobile targets that remain out of position


People would be less interested in mass rez if Blizzard implemented something more engaging than a weaker version of her at the games launch.


It was an example. Point is all efforts are simply put to waste. Even if they take much more skill than hiding and pressing q

No that’s how you break her and make her useless. The risk she takes is that she still her neck into a situation where she is going to most likely die. Valk is here to make it harder to get hit while reviving the team but the cast time allows counter play.


Yeh, it was a poorly thought suggestion. Though despite it fixing the problems Rez had, valk is kind of…

Because a lot of Mercy posters can’t let it go and think of something else.

I think it’s a side effect of the megathread, that they have a lot of group-think going on after they were roughly shoved into an echo chamber. That or any more complex ideas got drowned out.


Are you crazy? Posting this with a genji profile picture is like summon Satan, start running! :running_man:

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I welcome them to try and prove me wrong.

They won’t really try to, maybe a bit at first they’ll just use feelings as facts to convince you. At some point they’ll tell you you’re wrong and if you keep disagreeing they’ll start insulting you. I’ve been there a few times, it’s always the same.

Edit: Oh I almost forgot, I just got my forum account back today because I was banned 12 days for posting “Just flag and move on” on a mercy topic that was clearly there to just bait drama. Funny enough when I created a topic with another account to talk about that ban, AriaRose posted “Just flag and move on” but she didn’t get flagged at all, instead she got a ton of likes, weird huh?


But mas Rez isn’t to the mercy mains. If mass Rez comes in that way I’d be okay playing against it.

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This is why it’s a team game, and you have someone on your team hunt down the Mercy. Or you use that skill you’re so happy to have and shoot the Mercy, or you shoot the immobile, out of position targets that just got brought back.

Everyone is like “Oh, muh sweet quad kill was so skillful” and all that skill flies out the window when it’s one target moving in a straight line


Eh, mass rez would’ve been prefectly fine if they just did something to strongly discourage the hide-n-seek playstyle…


Name one ult that gets immediate value (and is as gamechanging) by literally pressing one button.
And don’t try to bring up infrasight cuz that’s a passive ult. It helps but does not win games.

That statement plus the sentiment of “It was in the game at one point, putting it back should be easy, just put it back so I can have fun with Mercy again”. I’m pretty sure that’s why a lot of Mercy players ask for a revert.

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Transcendence? Push Q, instantly Zen starts healing everyone near him for 300 HP/s and is invulnerable. Definitely game changing.


Yeah but zenyatta actually has to move around and prioritize. It’s not really just Q. Also teammates can still die meanwhile and there is some counterpaly (hog, reins charge/ earthshater, Lúcio, Ana ect) Rez has zero counterplay and takes literally no gamesense. You need gamesence to get the most out of transcendence. Not Rez.

I mean… you do need game sense to get the most out of Mass Resurrect.

If Mercy gets caught in that grav combo there’s not gonna be a Resurrect… cause she’ll be dead.