Why are people still complaining about the mass Rez?

One thing people seem to not understand is that a 5 or 4 man rez was very rare, most Mercys would tempo rez (rez 2 to 3 teammates while the teamfight is still happening) and the first version of Valkyrie which was basically a tempo rez proved that it was a much more effective strategy than “Die on point and I rez”.
Most Mercys wouldn’t do that strategy anyway unless they were prompted to do it from someone else in the team


In the short term, probably not.

But it’s been over a year.

People can be incredibly stubborn. Doubly so when people have potentially invested a large amount of time and/or money into something.

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Can we please stop with this. It is not creative to just agree with what the devs want. That is just appealing to the devs; the opposite of being creative. I’ve given 2 suggestions on how to fix Mercy and all you’ve done is say, “well, the devs won’t like that so think of something else”. You’re literally restricting my creativity. Apologies, I just had to get that out of the way. No hard feelings.


What i mean is not all kills one gets involve mercy. Sure, you want to Kill her but if you can’t reach her at the time or she’s sitting in a little room inside a huge castle with rein it’s hard to kill her. If you can’t kill her then I agree. one should be punished for not killing mercy, but mass Rez is way too much and Valkyrie is a bit to little in my opinion (but that’s another topic.)

To be fair, I didn’t know the Ana/Moira buffs were going to happen.

That said, even I said Mercy would need buffs after she dropped below Moira in pickrate in Platinum.

It’s non-constructive to repost ideas that the devs aren’t going to implement.

The REAL problem is Rez on E, it is set on a cooldown, which means you don’t have to earn it by playing well, and at its current state to use it you have to do exactly what the devs (who were influenced by streamers and the such who whined about Mercy’s ult) didn’t want… hide.


The thing is, if what the devs are doing is really not what you want you are going to tell them since they ask for feedback every time they implement something new


Then that’s not Mercy’s ultimate’s fault. That’s just incompetence from your teammates.

Is this you describing a hiding Mercy? If so, let me just say that hiding counters itself. If said Mercy is not with her team, you should be steamrolling her team without expending any ultimates at all. It is a 6v5. Then when the Mercy resses, you have a number of advantages now that you can take advantage of to secure victory with ease.

By too much, you mean, she’s punishing the enemy too much for their incompetence? Dude… That is a positive thing. It encourages better play from players, punishes teams for bad mistakes and rewards Mercy for outplaying the opposition.


Deleting Resurrect or bringing back mass Resurrect have never been explicitly denied. With that in mind, our suggestions are just as valuable as those who just want to please the devs.

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I mean, I personally said 50hps on the basis of healing per round. So I’m probably not a good example of that.

No I mean that punishing others should require skill from your part. If you jump outside of reins shield and widdow sees you she can punish you. But she has to land the shot, it requires skill. Not Rez though. Imagine you rob a supermarket and the judge gives you the death penalty for it. Does that seem fair?

I’m sorry but I don’t understand what you mean from your phrasing, you asked for 50hps healing? Just to clarify

When it comes to Mercy, I think the suggestion of a rework via revert with tweaks is simple and imo the best because other heroes need the attention as well as Mercy. Bastion, Sym and Reaper for example, need more attention because they’ve been in a loop of being UP for years.

Its a simple tweak to Mercy that its just a reversion that involves putting back a data back in and number tweaks compared to creating a new ability for Mercy, new SFX, voice lines and animation.

So yeah, simple changes are sometimes the best outcome.


And yet they basically done and said everything one can think of without explicitly saying “We don’t like this idea, we aren’t going to do it, ever”.

Which would at least lead a reasonable person to believe it is “highly unlikely” they would implement it.

And basing all of your time and energy on an extreme longshot seems pretty bizarre to me.

I mean, does Junk’s ult need skill? Plus to use it you have to hide so here’s a nice double standard

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So, the Rework was a success, every 30 seconds and insta-Revive (talking about it before it got nerfed). Yeah, right.

SO, lets take away someone else’s Ultimate, put it on a 30 second cool-down then Nerf the heck out of them to make it prohibitive to them using “E” ability. Sure, as a Widowmaker, that would actually be something good, but the rest of the Heroes would suffer. An that’s how you break the game. Mercy is currently broken, the Rework was OP from H BROKEN. Mercy players just want their moment to SHINE, that was stripped away from them first with the Rework (unless you went Attack Helicopter Mercy, or Rezed 3 people who died in quick succession), then with 14 Nerfs all in the name of “Balance”. Currently Mercy cannot out-heal a Winston M1 even during Ultimate Valkyrie, much less save anyone from normal fire. Mercy’s “On Fire” meter is 2%, win rate has fallen below 50%, an many people have left the game because of this. Yeah… Getting rid of Mass Rez was REALLY good for the game.

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So much counterplay on that thing…
that’s not a comparison you want to make bud…

Not if the opposition plays poorly. That’s like saying, Genji’s ultimate should get reworked because he took advantage of the enemy team’s incompetence and used minimal skill to wipe out the enemy…

Mechanical skill is not the only thing that’s considered skill. :confused:

Bad example. Resurrect is not a death sentence… Literally and figuratively.