Why are people so obsessed with LGBT? (+StarWars memes)

Lol straight ships exist as well ya know.

Woah someone actually recommending to watch the Prequels? What is this madness?!

B-but then he wouldn’t understand the silliness of the “NOOOO” scene.

It’s infamous, man, infamous!

Better than The Last Jedi.

Yes and I am straight, so I like as many as I can get.

Ha! You got me there.

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I guess. :stuck_out_tongue: I tried to sit through the first one as a kid, but it made me so annoyed that I quit halfway through and thought I hated Star Wars until I was forced to watch Solo.

I mean, I find it hard to believe you’re not against LGBT but you’re against LGBT being in the game more. Demographics of sexual orientation people cite are never accurate anyway, as estimates range from 5% to 45% for complicated reasons. That and OW isn’t exactly based on reality anyway.

The reason the first threads came about was the lead writer said in an interview that there were multiple LGBT heroes in OW. Everything has escalated from that and false narratives are abound.

Plus is P o D r A c I n G really the first impression you want to give the man?

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Keep it PG-13 fam…

Again, Vader’s reveal. To me, he is not just a bad guy. We all know the “No. I am your father.” line. Why not spice it up a little.

Sorry sir, I just like my hcking ships to be frcking legitimate.

No, it’s me directly saying I disagree with you and that I would like a way to make my disagreement public so that everyone can see it

I’m not against it though? I think it’s a issue but not an issue that needs to be addressed at the moment as their are other pressing issues that need addressing.

Sir, are you telling me the sexual orientation of Fantasy heroes in a game is NOT a pressing matter? How dare you for insulting the entire community! grabs torch and pickfork Get 'em!

I find that a kind of hollow argument as the lore and writing team aren’t part of the dev team so they don’t even work on balance or what else other people cite. The lead writer said it was already part of the game anyway so people were just asking about what it was or when we might find out.

Who are you again? And what did you previously say?

Also, that NO meme is kind of dead. There are tons of new ones for the Prequels.

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I have a confession to make…

I don’t know the dank memes anymore. Shame corner

The guys who make the comics though are different than the programmers.

I think more related to finally advancing the story needs to come too, but that doesn’t necessarily preclude revealing a character as gay.

For example, they could have Hero X leaving their home, preparing to join Winston, and have their loved one lean against their door, watching them pack, and worried about their safety. Hero X could kiss them goodbye, and then go join Winston to save the world once again.

A reveal like that would take like two panels, and could be part of an melody of images that finally shows which Overwatch agents decided to join Winston.