Why are people mad that the pros are playing OW2 right now?

Planetside 2 listened to the small “pro” minority and now it is a former shell of itself. Myself and many others spoke out against it but it was not enough.

OW is becoming Planetside 2 at this rate.

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This. I don’t mind GM balancing as they lack the coordination you get from playing and living together with the same people 16 hours a day. So interesting mechanics and playstyles that Sym, Mei and Sombra offers would not have their potential fully utilized.

Which is a good thing, because a heroes full potential can’t be realized in ladder anyways :slight_smile:

If OWL was around since launch, then we would have never even got Sym 2.0. She would be ‘too powerful’ in the OWL environment.


People hate closed betas they can’t play

Nothing new here

I think pros playing and playtesting the game are just fine and hope to be able to watch

Hell no. These are the same people that got Sombra neutered (And various other heroes) that weren’t a problem in ladder, but apparently “ToO sTrOnG!” in OWL.

These people have no idea how to balance a game. They are the reason this game is so garbage right now.

And to have THEM playtest something that people have been waiting YEARS for is salt on the wound.


A lot of sponsors left… yet 2 are back in just a few weeks. Imagine in 6 or 7 months, with ow2.

OWL will be more important than ever for Blizzard :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Oh yes it will. If they have to prop up the dead carcass on a clothes lines, they will do just that so they can grift some suckers/sponsors.

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I get the rage tbh, I want to play OW2 in some way shape or form and hearing anyone else gets to while I’m stuck with crappy OW1 balance annoys me.

That said it makes sense. You want to roll this stuff out incrementally to more people and the pro’s are a clear and obvious stepping stone in that gradual roll out. They also are prime placed to showcase what they play so we at least get a look if not a taste yet. Finally pro’s (and their coaches who I believe are on some level involved) are obviously good but crucially they know OW, if OW2’s got broken stuff they will find and exploit it quicker and harder than anyone else. That’s great for the devs as they get that clear signal of what’s good, what’s not, what can be abused way better from pro’s than any of us at this early stage.

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because the devs cater to the OWL and we don’t want the devs to release OW2 from OWL’s balance stand point because their takes are trash

that’s why we got the 17% increase to coal


Yeah we have seen how their feedback has made the game 1,000 times worse. But I’ll speak with my money and not purchase ow2.

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Ahh yes heroes like mei and symm are gutted and totally not playable and what was happeining on OWL in playoffs was just a dream

I don’t get that. Most of the pros are younger than 20 years old and both Aaron Keller and Kaplan worked on games for more than 20 years.
I don’t get why you respect so much the pros and think working on the game is just a pet project. The devs spend more than 40 hours a week working on a game. If someone know the game, that’s them. And their interest lie with the game success. The pros don’t care about the game success, their goal is to stay relevant. And what’s the best way to stay relevant than keeping their hero as good as possible?


People always forget Pro’s have a bias. They get paid to win. Money, lots of money is on the line. They will always want hero’s they are good at to be Meta and anything that counters it to be trash.

They favor high mobility hero’s and things that look flashy on screen. Fast paced and chaotic fights look good on streams, measured and tactical fights do not. If a hero can’t 1v6 the entire enemy team they don’t want them.

Edit: Oh and they will lie through their teeth for a paycheck. As proven with the Brig release. They sang her praises left and right prior to release, even if they felt fake. But once the delete Brig bandwagon got going they act like they always knew she was a problem.


People mad they not invited into the alpha testing, classy.

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for me its not about their opinion as a high rank, though that is quite important.
as low skill players like myself will not be affected a lot by balancing and metas.

we need to see how they play with only 1 tank.

Not everyone are owl players you know

In gm they are at the bottom


No, not at all…


Impossible, as we are so many players, someone always will be pleased.

Just like someone is always “neglected”

You can’t please them all

That’s the core issue. You cannot let people with a financial interest call the shots on something other people play for fun and expect it to align.


I mean they are probably like “if i can’t play it nobody else can.” I think it’s fine as long as they don’t spoil it.

Some people just aren’t happy unless they’re complaining about something :upside_down_face: