We can try others like apex legends and paladins, its part of the issues of f2p in general where even though it is free in the sense of money they are time gated the only question becomes how long does it take to unlock a heroe compared to the others games.
Nobodies comparing games because we arent talking about game mechanics, we are talking about buisness practice and the buisness practice of f2p is just that time sinking.
You can try to defend others titles but the core issue is the same across all f2p it takes time to get x thing.
Apex legends can be quite grindy to unlock every legend it takes roughly 80 hrs i know this because i have only 200 hrs and only unlocked 2 legends so the excuse of letting that game pass for having it their but not here seems really hypocritcal, we can agree that most of us perfer having all the heroes unlock but the reality of the situation is that the f2p has always been greedy in some shape or form aplauding for one side but hating the other just because you enjoy that game more doesnt negate the fact it took lots of hours just to unlock everything.
We all want better rewards dont get me wrong and we all agree that putting in heroes on a battle pass is dumb, but if we are complaining about the grind, then what difference does it make when you grind for currency to unlock a heroe its the same thing you sink time to get x thing.
The whole wanting every heroe unlock debate falls apart, the moment someone says it should be free as well, you paid for ow1 and had every heroe unlock that was the benefit of a paid product you had everything available, and alot of us perfer it that way. F2p is always time gated at cost of no money but time.
Oh I know, I was so disappointed when I saw they just made another bug skin. It’s battle of the beasts, not battle of the beetles. They could’ve made her into a dinosaur! An elephant! A big ol’ frog! I would’ve preferred a customizable version of the duck skin over what we have now.
I guarantee you Blizzard could’ve thought of something much cooler if they had more time to think and plan out these skins. Whenever OW1 had released a new set of skins, they were always really good. Even when Blizzard had up and abandoned the game for a while, they still had fun, creative skin ideas.
But that was at a time when executives weren’t constantly poking the art team with sticks saying “Keep making more skins! More bundles! More! More!!” on top of working with the dev team, who are still trying to make Overwatch. As in new heroes, new maps, maybe new pve stuff. They have to take time away from making more actual, substantial content for the game to make sure the money machine is constantly printing.
It’s clear the creative well has dried up with the BP, and it’ll probably be that way for a while, at least the rest of the season. The new hero being in the BP is just a crutch for the terrible time crunch Team 4 is always going to be under.
It takes about 80 hours on avg for each char on apex no joke. If you didnt felt the grind thats because you were having too much fun but lets not scew the fact that it takes 80 hours.
Can someone tell enigma the answer is because it annoys unreasonable, toxic people and keeps them occupied angrily typing on the forums instead of ruining people’s matches of OW2.
I mean they’re still whittering on about “guns never get pay-walled” when anyone with even a basic familiarity with Battle Royales are thinking “tell us you have no idea ahout one of the biggest titles on the planet, Warzone, without telling us you haven’t got a clue about Warzone” (or a number of others besides) … which again is a different genre to Overwatch anyway that they themselves said cannot be compared, like competitive fighting games, as they’re too different.
Weapons are absolutely in battle passes and DLC in Battle Royales and multiplayer shooters in general. Just to be absolutely clear.
Nobody said this. A new or infrequent player doesn’t require access to every hero. Their experience playing is not a bad one, quite the opposite. By the point they do want a hero it is no longer new. That was a huge straw man. Also heroes launching very strong to OP is exactly what the community wanted so Blizzard listened and responded, Lifeweaver being the tipping point. The same people complaining now should arguably be thanking Blizzard for doing as the community wished, the accusation that Blizzard do not is increasingly hard to justify. I could digress here but that is probably worthy of a new thread.
I’ve seen a few people across several games defending this practice on the naive thought of ‘but how else are they supposed to pay the people who make the rewards???’
It’s incredibly simple; the people who made the items you see in the battle pass or the shop? They were already paid. They were likely contracted to make them and were paid up front (it does depend on the company and if they have a dedicated roster of creative developers that work on these things or if they have a rotating cast of contracted teams.). The only reason they’re charging you anything at all isn’t even to just ‘make that money back’. It’s purely to make extra profit for their backers if they have any, so that they keep coming back to invest into them.
I’d wager that anything made off of battle passes and shop purchases is never seen by those who made skins, sprays, emotes, etc.
Source: trust me bro- (kidding, when games like Halo Infinite and Overwatch 2 were announced as having battle passes and shops, that crap blew up like a wild fire and those who did work for companies pushing this bullcrap practice eventually came clean about the so called ‘need to pay people for their work’ excuse everyone who thought this way was throwing around.)
Now if the company hasn’t paid them at all, then it’s probably time for those creative teams of people to find someone who will pay them.
I mean it is, you play a game for the enternaiment purpose of being fun, getting rewards is nice, but that isnt what makes a game fun, if demanding being gifted all the time isnt spoiled, then i guess i should be owed gifts from people for joining in on their games as well.
I guess that’s what comes when you turn a game designed around pay to play into free to play. It loses it’s competitve integrity and artistic direction for short-term cashgrabs.
The ONLY reason Blizzard locked old/new heroes behind the “New Player Experience”, is because they want to sell the “Complete Hero Collection” for $20.
If Blizzard actually cared about helping new players learn the game, they would create in-game tutorials for each hero.