Why are gold games easier than bronze?

I see. If you’re having fun that’s all that matters ya know? I applaud you for that.


Takes all kinds homie, I’m not about to blame others for my own faults.

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Ok yes that’s totally different.

I’m not sure if you’re medical problems are physical or not, but some of those issues aren’t physical game wise ya know? Improved game smarts ult usage, focus fire cooldown management etc, you can learn those things and that’s worth a LOT of sr. I say just keep on going. Keep having fun, you will get better I promise.

Nerve damage in both hands, it’s physical. I have slow reactions times 99% of the time.

I will however keep having fun, that’s the point isn’t it?


Absolutely friend.

20 chars

You’re missing the vital part of your statement, that not only is there something “wrong”, but that thing that is wrong is all of:
a) purely a matchmaker problem, not at all an issue with how you play those ranks or how those ranks play
b) a timeless issue, not simply that the system can’t move you eventually, just that it’s not doing so fast enough for your taste
c) a universal issue, not simply something that you personally experience, but something that everyone can replicate

That’s the thing that you don’t seem to understand. I can take everything you say at face value, I can believe that you are able to maintain two separate ranks, I can believe that a person can do placement matches using strict criteria and earn a different early rank than their primary account (in fact, I expect it), but that in absolutely no way proves your thesis that ranks are completely meaningless.

Now, maybe I’m not being fair. Maybe you don’t ACTUALLY MEAN that they’re completely meaningless. Maybe there is some middle ground that you’re not expressing well.

But, it sure sounds like you mean that a person’s skill has absolutely nothing to do with a person’s rank in general, for all people. NOT that, in some rare circumstances, certain players can experience certain strange behavior due to the quirks of other players at each level.

But your experience, if it is to be believed, only proves the second. You have A LOT more work to do before you even begin to be convincing on the first.


this is beautiful lol well done internet!


I should have edited the spelling errors before I got quoted (not gonna bother now) lol, but yeah, getting carried to a rank is much different than belonging there, or achieving it through improvement.

Edit: for anyone who hasn’t seen my posts before, I DO NOT blame the matchmaker nor the MMR system for my rank, not poor game quality, the state of this game is due to human interaction, not some boogyman system out to get them.

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Pretty weird that you think a “boogyman” has to be involved in order for a matchmaker to not work properly.

The problem with the game design in general is that the 6v6 format almost guarantees that you’ll get carried for many of your games. But, it’s essentially random each time.

It feels bad. But, it’s a core game design issue that they seem to be aware of hence the new 5v5 format. Won’t make much difference in QP, but it means each person will have more control over their own game in comp where people care more.

Re: your edit.

I think I’m well on record that human interaction drives all of the phenomena that is expressed as a matchmaking issue in this forum, but it’s also true that there are basic game design considerations that create the space for those phenomena. It’s just…no one asks to change that.

The things that I’ve been advocating for have been changed, notably the removal of over-precise SR numbers which has been my pet-peeve since 2018. Of course, better anti-smurf functions will help too. I’m not actually sure how bad smurfing is considering that I’ve been called a smurf myself, but the perception is more important than reality in this case.

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Man discovers a metaphor for the first time.


Wait, doesn’t everyone throw boogers at the screen?

Maybe that’s why my rank is accurate and yours isn’t.

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Ah yeah I missed that part of the discussion.

I don’t think I believe in forced loss. I think there are too many variables for a system to account for to be able to do this.

I do think the system will place you in harder games and if you do well you will rank up more, but that’s kind of a very ego-centric way of looking at it. The game isn’t targeting me so much, it’s also trying to match up 9-11 other players so why should I think the game is specifically set-up to do something to me? Kind of a childish way of thinking… the game is setting up a match with all players considered and then once the match-up is made it “decides” whether I should statistically be likely be able to win this or not just based off rankings, all well as everyone else. It will then measure my performance on a number of factors and stats which I don’t know specifically and then will give me a set amount of points to lose or win, with bonus points to win or lose based on if it thought I was favoured or not based on the ratings of others.

“Forced losses” seems kind of paranoid/conspiracy thinking to me. I think there is so much randomness that any game can be won or lost, there is just statistically likely outcomes but that doesn’t force anything.


I am 4,3k Ball player, and when I watched ZEST’s gameplay, I literally died from cringe. Literally one of the worst Ball Gameplay I have ever seen and he still has the audacity that he was “carrying” :clown_face: :rofl:

Him hardthrowing a Gold game with his terrible gameplay: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6BrsuH7UCBM

Him getting HARDCarried in a Diamond game by his Soldier (ZEST was still playing like silver): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S5bczyGxmS0


About to watch rn. I’m friends with a OWL player and get coached often, and I put in the work to get better so I can’t help but roll my eyes when people blame the game for them not ranking up LOL


Same homie, same! I used to be a Low Gold player myself and climbed because I worked on mistakes, lots of better players, coaches and an OWL player named Muma helped me, and it was great! Thats how I reached GM and ended last season 4,3k again

I hope you dont lose too many braincells watching ZEST’s carry gameplay :rofl: :rofl:


Muma is literally my coach LOL


SHEEEEEEEESHHH, man he is AMAZING!! I was low GM when he coached me, and there was SOOOOOOOO much stuff he pointed out and that I still need to work on, great guy <3

I went from 1000SR to 3.2K now within a few months. I was fairly new when i started working with him a few months ago. Ive been told i only climbed so fast bc I’m still bronze border blah blah blah but when i offer to hop on a low elo account and make a cash bet nobody takes me up on it.