Why are Brigitte and Moira

Moira just got the Doomfist treatment couple days ago.

And seeing that you are a PSN Doomfist player, Brigitte may not be that hard of a problem since he eats her alive.

Dang, Sombra must be totally fine then, contrary to everything anyone has ever said!

yes doomfist can but the doomfist player has to outplay the brig hard or get a lucky shot in. I’m also a rein player so I’m able to see things from more than one perspective.

Pretty much DF playstyle resolve around calculation and such. There are a lot of things I have to consider before commiting, like what angle to slam, can I do this trimp jump fast enough, etc. you know the drill.

As for Reinhardt, a couple of whacks is enough to send her back to spawn.

Or when people switch off after point A. Skewing her win rate so that she either has a full win or half a loss.

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You can blame the community for the doomfist nerfs.
His hibox was fine until the “pros” started complaining how big it is.


Never liked Moira’s insane self heal and range and extremely forgving kit
Brig wouldn’t be a problem if SOMEBODY wasn’t screaming for Junkrat nerfs even Kragie (pro player for british hurricane) said Moira is impossible to duel in a video with KarQ

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I never said that? What does any of this have to do with the buggy mess that is Sombra?

Do I have to spell it out?

Well yes because no one us talking about her pickrate or winrate when they talk about her, only her low DPS and many, many bugs. You need a valid reason to ask for buffs and nerfs, not just pickrate or winrate

I don’t know what forums you have been on, then, because her dead last pick and win rates are brought up quite often as a clear and obvious sign of her various issues keeping her in z-tier.

Moira and Brigitte don’t need a nerf, Doomfist needs a buff!

Did you play against Doomfist when his box was literally the side 3 heroes side to side and 2 heroes vertically?

Well that’s not a reason, her bugs and low DPS are

Never mind, I’m not going to expend the time and energy to explain it.

Lmao please play some Moira before you call her op. Honestly, I think she could use a little buff

So when a hero is buffed, and they go from F tier to mandatory, is it because they’re ‘fun’ or ‘well liked’? Or is it because X, Y, Z combination of heroes happens to be the most powerful? Why do you think there are so many mirror comps?
Think carefully before you answer. Was Dive ‘fun to play’ for 4 seasons or was it because it was winning games?

I never liked Dive, I never ran it because it’s an unfair strat. I played the game normaly so don’t ask me about dive

But we’re talking about winning, not your own personal position in the game. I didn’t like Dive either, but at least on certain maps I felt like I could run Orisa/Hog and still have a chance. Now, even in quick play if the enemy team is running Zarya, Rein, Hanzo, every game turns into team wipe in a graviton + dragons.
If X, Y, Z heroes are being picked across all ranks, it’s because they synergize well together. There’s a reason for it and it didn’t just conveniently happen after Hanzo got buffed.