Why am I playing with noobs?

I don’t get it. Why am I being grouped up with people who have no idea what to do? Why am I on teams with people still figuring out what buttons to press???


this is to be expected in qp as the match restrictions are significantly looser…if this is in comp, then you need to climb high to avoid the plebs


Yikes God forbid anyone to actually be new to a game, I guess you guys demand everyone be the highest rank the second they looked at the title screen.


If you’re constantly playing with noobs there might be a common factor here


Dont immediately think your above your teammates or the enemy. While it is the summer so we have a lot more new players right now you still might also being playing in a way thats keeping your mmr low. I do suggest to always watch replays after a hour just to see the matches from the enemy team pov so you can better position yourself in every match up. I noticed myself starting to play better when i started to see my own problems

You can go surprisingly far with just mechanical skill. Years of game knowledge can make those people migrating from Apex and whatnot look like idiots, bur give them time and you won’t see them again. Because your mmr will be too low to see them in your games. Everyone starts somewhere and with different starting skills.


Oh sure, cause it’s never your fault so you blame others. Typical Narc, i bet you have very few friends in RL too.

Usually this time within a season most ow vets have finished the BP and have moved on to playing something else until next season.

So it will be a dip in player population until next season starts.

$80 mythic ain’t gonna bring a rush of players to log in

If you win a lot of games and have high MMR, the matchmaker expects you to carry those noobs to even out the average skill level with the enemy. All the noobs should play with each other though but maybe they would have to wait too long for a game?

this is the part that players on forum do not get.

I am not in favor of noobs being grouped with a little experienced players. This isn’t a learning experience for anyone and just creates more frustration.

Explain that in English please?

According to blacktivision there are a lot of new players joining the ranks. I’m not exactly the slowest learner but it took me years to begin understanding the minor details that make all the difference when it comes to winning a team fight.

I still remember an old friend I’d play with who would always be like “rein has shatter, watch out, he’s about to use it” and I’d be like “wtf how can you tell?? that’s so cool… you’re like a psychic”, but now to me, it’s plainly obvious.

This game seems simple enough on the surface. I remember when I first picked it up, I thought “between 3-5 abilities per hero? That’s all?” but now that I know the game much better I realized any more than that and this game would be a nightmare to learn.

TL:DR: put yourself in the shoes of a new player and you’ll begin to understand. Now, as to why you’re being matched with them? Maybe there are just so many that it’s inevitable, or maybe you’re not playing as well on a particular hero? I dunno.

guess what the other 4 players are thinking about you


“There is only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving and that’s your own self.” – Anonymous

I have this as a saying on my desk and its always been true just try to keep this in mind going forward

Same here. I felt like a GM or playing with bots on DPS. I’m only Silver on DPS!

It makes me feel bad if I roll new players. They should be grouped together.

i dont think time is a factor…ive been playing this game since…2018? and im still a noob

I am diamond but put me on a new hero or one I never play and I’ll forget I have an ability. On lifeweaver I keep thinking you press e to place the petal and shift to dash. But then life grip on e also feels correct. I need to redo the bindings for that hero but I never play him so I only ever think about it if I get him in mystery heroes.

$80 for a mythic weapon only skin*

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In my case , full of rtards from brazil , pure crap

because they should be grouped win other new players… or bots til they get hours in and exp. they shouldnt be win vets. eomm is dogwater