Why am I playing with noobs?

If we are talking QP here, it’s because the matchmaker is wide af. If we are talking comp here, it’s because you are at the ELO where new players enter the Comp matchmaking system.

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What’s EOMM?
(I hate these 20 character requirements.)

engagement optimized match making which is based on the concept of a churn rate (at least thats how the forums views it from a single study funded by EA)

They are everywhere, they have taken over Starbase.

guess who the bot is

Then why did I go 32-0 last game? These people don’t know how to play.

lmao going 32 -0 against silver players isnt hard lol

Are you in Gold? New players get put in gold where there’s an even amount of room to climb or fall. If you are average you will be in gold and get placed with new players. Climb to plat.

I’m talking about QP. I don’t care about ranked. I just don’t think it’s fair to put new players with me. They can’t even kill me.

cool and youre a silver player so whats the difference

dont wake up the defenders. they will say, you need to reach GM or higher for game sense

I don’t think you can read well. I’m just saying it’s unfair to new players. There is a clear difference between new players and me. I haven’t grinded out my rank on DPS, because it’s a terrible process and I like quick games. I’m not a Silver player. I suppose you can claim I’m a Silver DPS, but I haven’t even played ranked this season and don’t have many games on ranked for DPS. :person_shrugging:

yes you are, you said it yourself

Probably because in the grand scheme of things, you are a noob?

DPS isn’t my main role. I think you have reading comprehension issues.

sure tthatswhat you wrote

Did you ever think that maybe they are AI bots that they added due to the fact that there aren’t enough players to make matches?? Many other games do it.

This is why the PVE story was super important most online shooters use the story mode as a way to teach the player how to play the game, Splatoon does it Street Fighters 6 does it, The devs had a chance to do it but they just HAD to shoot themselves in the foot and try to run a mile, all that was need was some single to co-op maps, fill it with enemies, have missions or side missions that require a certain hero and their skills to pass, and the primary missions are basically shoot your way across the map get to the goal unlock the boss fight. Again if they shameless copied Splatoon’s story mode structure I wouldn’t blame them as for heroes to play? Focus on the main Overwatch and Talon groups all Overwatch 2 cast can be saved for DLC stories.
Skill trees are fun this is Overwatch not Borderlands. But they can borrow Borderlands open world maps.

Sometimes it does kinda feel like this is the case. The amount of times has definitely increased I’ve asked someone for healing while being literally right in front of them and they were playing a hero that could heal me right away (like not a Moira out of juice or something). It would happen every once in awhile before, but it was pretty rare. It’s like it takes a minute sometimes and it makes me feel like I’m playing with a bot or something.

Also I don’t know if it’s just what the game is like now and supports are more damage focused, but I feel like every time I get matched with another support who feels like a “bot” they almost always try to do equal amounts of damage and healing, whereas whenever the person is talking in chat/voice chat they’re always just pumping out the heals.