Why all the salt Mercy mains?

Make aesthetically appealing heroes, people will pick them, you could nerf her into the ground and her pickrate would be high or all mercy players would get banned for griefing, 2 reasons she is picked a lot easy to play and aesthetics


Lol no, Ana is still untouched and she deserved her nade to be gutted

Ah, conspiracy theory here. The devs were too afraid to touch Mercy without first laying some groundwork in the playerbase, after their last Mercy rework debacle gave them ‘Mercy rework ptsd’.

They ask the streamers on their ‘creator team’ to begin to share their ‘honest’ opinion on Mercy. So all the creators come out and as politely as they can, say Mercy is maybe okay but has some problems with DMG boost and rez.

They make the slightest change to Mercy at first (next patch) to test the waters.

If successful, they repeat the process again for future changes.

Complete nonsensical theory here, would Blizzard really care that much to go through that? Nah. But still… you never know :eyes:

I don’t think nade needs to be gutted. I think all damage and healing should get a 10-15% nerf across the board though to make up for the loss of 2nd damage mitigator/health sponge.

A 100% anti heal outside of JQ ult is OP in 5v5, it always the same, sleep-nade-delete the tank, unless you have a saint playing Kiriko Ana is a pain in the bottom to play against, and she is in all matches


Yeah, just playing Tank in general is a pain without 2nd tank. Also why I think healing and damage across the board needs nerfing.

What I meant is, nade can be nerfed but I don’t think it should be ‘gutted’. Gutted implies made useless.

If you set nade to cut healing by 50% (cutting its power in half) I think it’s still a good ability and can still be used by Ana against flankers. She still needs some self sustain after all.

Ok, I’ll send u some replays tmrw. Go easy on me I only have 3 hrs on mercy in high masters lobbies :sob:

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as a support main, I dont know much about Bastion, but…bad treatment for another character does not in any way diminish the bad treatment of Mercy.

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Been playing this game since launch, albeit not competitively, unless you count being a solo healer on a 5 stack of DPS main randoms and still managing a 62% win rate; which has since plummeted to 53% after the 2-2-2 comp and then the 1-2-2 comp systems, but I do at least keep up with the times so to speak. Most of the hours I have are on Mercy but many characters aren’t far behind her on play time due to all the years of flex picking or waiting to be the last to pick so my team at least has A healer… because I never understood the whole 1trick concept, let alone “maining” a character, and I can definitely say this “nerf” doesn’t even exist. It’s literally so miniscule that if it affects anyone’s gameplay at all, it’s purely psychological.

Mathematically, yes, it will affect her as her Ultimate charge rate will be a cell’s poo worth of difference that in the end still purely relies on how good the player is that you’re pocketing. We’ll just say 100% accuracy with everything they do cause that’s obviously how everyone seems to be factoring this whole thing. Like they don’t miss a single instance of damage they can inflict at the maximum possible efficiency their character can put out regardless of gaming system/Internet connection, where from start to end of the match is just THE perfect scenario… Obviously damage boosted the entire time, the difference would be so tiny because in the end it literally does not matter how much damage you do in this game nor does getting an elimination.

The entire concept of the game is “the point”, and either keeping players off of it or staying on it till the end, which can be done without inflicting a single point of damage; just run the clock down into overtime, stall for a couple minutes then boop everyone off as Pharah, it takes like less than a second for overtime to end and unless the enemy team has some kind of near instant transmission ability like Blink, they’re not gonna come back from it, and you did exactly 0 damage because unless you actually hit a player with Concussive Blast, you don’t do any damage, and the cherry is your elimination count, which is still 0, but guess who just carried? (Obviously this is a nearly impossible thing to pull off, but is possible nonetheless.)

TBH, I’d have to say Mercy didn’t get nerfed at all, but rather the players/characters she ends up boosting; they’re the real victims, Mercy just the middle-woman. Imagine how many players are gonna cry cause they lost a fight they’d normally win cause they didn’t do that extra point of damage; nevermind the several shots they missed and the other several that weren’t headshots… No human has ever or will ever achieve a 100% accuracy rating; we’re too trigger happy, and without being able to pull it off, losing a little bit of damage via weaker boosts doesn’t exactly compare to inflicting 0 damage because you missed, or landed a body shot even though you’re capable of critical hits.

Overall, PvE just needs to hurry up and drop so I can stop caring what happens to PvP and the competitive scene because I’ll be too preoccupied beating the game with every character in all the dumbest ways I can think of, like Melee-Only Genji or No Scope Widow because the only replayability PvE has left is my imagination and the fact it’s more than likely going to be easy AF even on the hardest difficulty. I mean seriously, just look at what we have to call AIMBOT difficulty bots as it is… Like yea, sure, they rarely miss, but they’re still clumped up all nice and my hammer finger is itching…

Other supports require more mechanical skill and awareness to get said value

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I’m actually seeing Mercy players say that this nerf deserves a compensation buff despite this 5% loss in damage boost breaking zero damage thresholds. Pharah/Widow/Hanzo can still oneshot Tracers with bodyshots, TTK on sustain-damage weapons like Soldiers is still pretty much the same.

I hate to break it to you but her being balanced in gold in below where no one knows how to do literally anything doesn’t make her balanced. She has a history of forcing characters that are fine on thier own into the meta with damage boost at masters plus and plat and diamond but to a smaller extent. People gold and below don’t really deserve a say in this, To be honest no one besides top 500s really do but ranks like that especially

The problem is that they’re not fixing the problem. Like, at all. It’s a bandaid nerf if anything, because not many of the heroes are at current designed for the new 5v5 mode and Mercy is included in this.

She was fine in 6v6 with her damage buff. Now? She causes heroes to be overtuned because of the lack of a second tank.

So. The core problem is Blizzard forgot that they made Overwatch 5v5, and forgot to properly adjust everyone along with the change to make up for the lack of one tank.

But, we know they’re not gonna admit their mistake. Nobody is gonna admit that they f-d up by making the game 5v5. So, we blame the heroes for being overtuned instead.

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imo, she was well balanced for all tiers just prior to this series of 3 consecutive large nerfs.

I am unsure why you chose to mention gold specifically

It does come off (to me) as an attack on those who are in the lower ranks, and such attacks are against the spirit and rules of this forum.

As such, I ask that this cease

again, the reference to gold

I will say this tho: every customer is equal, and every customer deserves a well balanced fun game. There is no “x doesnt deserve a say” Thats simply elitism, and it has no place on this forum

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I dont see it as Mercy has no agency and at the mercy of her team, i see it as Mercy doesnt want the responsibility of participating in the game like everyone else and just wait around for someone else to do things.

Because Blizzard never learn, that nerfs simply do not work for Mercy and only enforce our famous playstyle everybody hates - pocketing.

Nerfs are what got her into pocketing in the first place, so why are we continuing with it?

All this nerf achieving is making Mercy worse with your average players, that aren’t as accurate - that’s where nerf will be felt the most. As you correctly guessed, it would do literally nothing for pocketing actually accurate shooters.

So, once again, it’s Mercy players, who try to support everyone, who get short end of the stick, while Mercy players pocketing smurfs won’t feel anything.

Clearly more pocketing, since nerfs hit hardest, if you try to heal/boost your whole team - those 5% lost combined with teammates usually not being very accurate make boosting anyone besides your pocket even worse idea, than before. And it wasn’t such great idea to begin with.

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If you think about it, only time she has the potential to rival JUST Zens Orb is when she’s Ulting and her team is clumped close enough together for her to boost them all. Can’t say I disagree though, I feel since she kinda has to choose 1 thing at a time to do, her stats should be the highest in terms of healing/boosting, but that’d just make her more of a must pick with a bad habit of pocketing a single player. I hate to say it, but if they plan on keeping her like this, they may as well just cave, give in to her pocket potential, and then shave half her max HP while also giving her passive back where she healed herself whenever she heals a teammate to compensate for the fact she would have no other form of damage mitigation and be as fragile as Widowmaker, albeit a lot more mobile; this would discourage most Mercys from diving in with their pocket of choice simply because even Lifeweaver, prior to any changes after his release, would have been a threat.

Although, her getting her passive back is debatable. I barely noticed it because either I wasn’t taking damage, or I got flanked and 1 clipped by a face hugging Tracer before I could find an injured teammate to heal or swap to my pea shooter.

Otherwise, and again I hate to say it… An actual rework of her entire kit, possibly including Resurrect, which is kind of her entire identity outside of her staff. Idc what anyone says, Battle Mercys are questionable at best because unless you have a really good one, kinda like DPS Moira, they’re literally worthless. It would be kind of neat to see them actually rework her to where she’s got 2 different kits that rely on which weapon she has equipped, this way it caters to both sides of the spectrum, but at the same time SHE’S A PACIFIST, WHY TF DOES SHE HAVE A PISTOL? This has been a question I have NEEDED an official answer to for the last 7 years.

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i dont even play mercy much but i think its not fair. there is a support right now dominating in all the ranks and is plastered all over the top 500 leaderboards. its not like tracer where she is only good at the highest levels but this support is good in EVERY rank including bronze lol. i mean something is wrong there.

maybe pick rate with ana is just popularity? mercy probably the same but she still doesnt hold a candle to ana at the highest levels

Not fair? This game has fair treatment only for chosen heroes - everyone else get wrecked, over time or with sledgehammer.


The real mafia exposed themselves

I’m sorry but complaining about balance changes should not be evidence of the whole “mercy mafia hive mind” thing being true. If that is the case then literally everyone on this forums is part of a mafia hive mind. But of course you can complain about any character’s nerfs so long as it’s not mercy, right? Then you’re just a psycho :roll_eyes: