Why 1-2-3 is superior!

1-2-3 is MUCH MUCH MUCH better.

for 2 games you now need 4 tanks, which is the least played class BY FAR and 4 dps which is ridiculous.

for 2 games with 1-2-3 you need 50% less tanks to create just a many games as well as providing more slots or 33% more dps players.

This is a HUGE deal. HUGE. How huge you say?

Just changing the tank requirement from 2 to 1 creates 100% more games that need to be filled with DPS and Healers.

So if you have 30 tanks in queue, with 2-2-2 you would have 15 games active at any period of time providing slots for 30 dps players.

With 1-2-3, if you have 30 tanks in queue you would have 30 games active at any period providing slots for 90 dps players.

This is a no brainer. Role queue can work but tanks need to be rebalanced and common sense and basic math needs to be applied by the devs in regards to market principles.

I actually would prefer 1 tank, 2 healers, 2 dps and 1 flex role. Which is also a derivation of 1-2-3


What happens if tank players end up not enjoying being solo tank even with balance changes and stop playing tank?

Imagine how much responsibility tank players will have to be flexible within their role.


It’s too hard to rework the off-Tanks.


yes because it’s so much fan solo tanking. step out from behind shield = get melted in 0.1 seconds. :slight_smile:


Solo tanking as hog… good plan. Just dont complain if most tanks still dong go just shield tank like people do now with 2 2 2.


Honestly role queue was just a mistake. Overwatch wasn’t designed to be a game where you locked in anything, it was about fast switching and countering. Role Queue came in because they realized they couldn’t balance it at an esports level, so 2/2/2 was a measure to allow them an easier time at balancing.

I don’t think we need to experiment with forcing other numbers, we just need to wrap SR into one number and use it for all roles. This would keep DPS from queueing tank and throwing games just for a quick queue because they don’t care about tank SR.

Those are really the only feasible options I see at this point. Revert Role Prison, Roll all SR together, or just watch the game die.


That is an excuse. Not a solution. It can be done it just takes effort if Blizzard wants to fix their game they are going to have to put in effort. Hog can be reworked to be even tankier, reduce the CD on his hook, make him a menace to deal with.

This is not rocket science.

No, it will kill the game. People just want to play the game and reverting SR roles will do NOTHING to fix the problem of queue times.

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I don’t think so. When a lot of these DPS realize they can get to higher brackets by playing Tank (or flex), they’ll be more likely to play other roles more seriously. Currently they have no incentive to play it or even try.

You are making a lot of assumption about human nature that are just not true. If what you said was a viable solution we would not have an obesity problem would we? A lot of people want to be fit and healthy but how many are willing to do something they dislike to get there?

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DPS mains need to get it through their heads that no single tank is designed to do their job solo. Attempting to do so is not fun. At all.

Drop the one tank idea. It’s not happening anymore. We already did it for 3 years and it wasn’t good. Solo tanking now won’t be any better.


You are just thinking like a negative Nancy, Tanks can easily be buffed to have double the HP they have now, double the shields to compensate etc.

You could easily lower the CD’s on say zarya and make her a VERY high skill main tank. Maybe give her 3 charges of team shield.

This change would increase the skill floor and ceiling of Zarya while enabling her new play styles.

I don’t care how much you buff Tanks:
If 1/2/3 ever happens I am not going to Tank anymore (and I am pretty sure that I am not the only one).

Your Q times won’t get any shorter.
All you will end up doing is getting Tank players to either quit their role, or Overwatch completely.


It’s a good thing there are so few tank mains as it is now then, I’m sure a few egotistical dps main would be willing to play the new juggernaut role.

And yes it would mathematically improve queue times.

We’ve been stuck in Sigma/Orisa double barrier meta because the OW balance team isn’t good at balance. They’ve been particularly egregious in the tank balance. They nerfed all the tanks into the ground, then introduced 2-2-2, which exasperated the issue. It would take too long to buff tanks into raid bosses. You really think people are going to be thrilled with a 4000 hp Reinhardt barrier?

No. It’s not going to happen. And if it did, people would whine endlessly until it’s nerfed into the ground.

The fact of the matter is that there are 3 classes in the game. DPS don’t deserve special treatment - they’re only 1/3 of the game.


Ok, are the numbers aligned with how they appear in-game?

By that I mean is this 1 tank, 2 dps and 3 healers?

If we ever go to one tank, their damage would need neutered and damage resisting capabilities massively improved. I am one who enjoys being a shield and enabler of my team, but I bet I am in the minority here. Many tank players would probably stop being tanks if they no longer have the ability to do damage and only exist to protect

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I’ll wait 20 minutes in queue before I solo tank.


NO they are not 1/3 of the game in terms of market principles. There is and will always be more market demand for dps players no matter how much you try and state otherwise. Sorry you are incorrect.

If you ignore that Tank players will quit: Sure.

You could also go 0/0/6 for near instant Q.
It mathematically works, but that doesn’t make it even close to being a good idea.


You are just talking emotionally charged drivel. Behind a private profile none the less.