I agree they’ll probably deal with a lot of problem hero’s once OW2 comes around, I don’t think at this state , they want to make too many radical/ sweeping changes as they want to find a somewhat decent state for the game as the foundation for OW2 but then again they hardly add content to the game for the past 2 years so it might just be a complete lack of resources tbh
I respect your opinions and I somewhat agree but also strongly disagree with some points but I feel like it might be due to our separate elos, junkrat is a basically useless hero’s aside from temple of anubis and some very niche situations and I doubt changing genjis projectile speed alittle would be any similar to hanzo as he can one shot people genji however needs to get close to do any substantial damage and still needs to land atleast 2 full volleys, if anything it might be more similar to the recent orisa changes as their dps is comparable (orisa probably does slightly more from range)
And hog is a tough one like I said he doesn’t need dmg but the very second even one shield becomes relevant again his stocks plummet dramatically even just playing zarya against hog reduces his value tremendously and old dva was a nightmare (her old dm range just chucked him so hard) and was probably the reason he’s received so many buffs
I personally disagree. In low/mid ranks at least where I play along with the grand majority of the player base, Junkrat has always been a decent pick and his “Spamrat” play style is a major reason why.
Maybe that’s how he’s supposed to be though. All heroes in this game require weaknesses and Roadhog doesn’t need to be even more of a generalist than he already is.
I believe there are buffs that will not make her op, Mei not a feast or famine character. Unless you believe giving her more ammo will suddenly make her stomp low tier players. I am not asking for any of the freezing nerfs to be reverted just give her more ammo.
Bastion can work in low tiers, mei does not. If you don’t see how bad she is that no one plays her then I don’t know what to say.
I and others dislike playing against widow but I don’t want her nerfed into oblivion.
Yea I agree with that for sure, he must of been a menace with 130, in my rank he was actually viable with it tho I’m only round 3600 give or take 100 sr tho
if you haven’t noticed, sym can practically be considered a projectile dps because anyone that’s actually put in meaningful time trying to learn to play her well will know that she will use orbs much more often than her primary. and her orbs are legit 1 of the worst projectile weapons fires in the game
idk how you can consider sym to be better than winston, roadhog, hanzo, echo, zen, genji, orisa, sigma or torb.
an extra 20 damage doesn’t compensate for how ridiculously inconsistent it is for the excessive conditions (low firerate, sniper tier charge time, legit not very aimable in many ranges due to how slow it is) it has esp when comparing to other heroes’ weapon fires, even projectile ones.
e.g. both pharah and junkrat’s projectiles deal about the same damage, but have about twice the fire rate (better spam), pretty much same splash radius and maybe even higher splash damage, not to mention pharah’s projectiles are also faster i.e. can be aimed more + longer effective range.
i.e. sym orbs are bad both as an aimed projectile weapon fire and bad as a spam projectile weapon fire. and no, small orbs don’t change that fact either considering it further means smaller size, lower damage and not to mention legit mercy pistol is better than uncharged orbs.
(implicitly) sym was better than a few heroes to not warrant the amount of people asking for buffs on her (see below in conjunction with title):
you either claimed that sym is fine with 140 damage orbs or claimed her orb projectile fire is fine with 140 damage on them which obvs was not the case.
She a pure projectile character so by that definition she isn’t a projectile character, there’s characters like hanzo where every ability is a projectile
2 depend how strong YOU think those characters r I never ranked them so u can’t assume
3 n no I just said I enjoyed 140 orbs over 225 hp and actually had fun playing her sometimes. Is that wrong for me to have fun or something
echo’s not a projectile hero because she has a beam and her ult can make her have hitscan
torb’s not projectile because hitscan shotgun
mei’s not a projectile hero because her primary’s a beam
your original post was legit “you guys a really biased for asking for sym and dva buffs when projectile heroes + winston and maybe hog need it more” implying sym’s not a projectile hero and/or that she’s less deserving of buffs than the listed.
you were legit saying how you were a “god” with old orbs to argue against the points I raised about how bad sym’s orbs are.
Torbs shotgun isn’t projectile and I agree echos not a pure projectile I never said she was and she’s one of the better characters Rn that’s why I said projectile characters not hybrids
Meis beam is a projectile and it’s insanely slow to only travelling at 25mps
2nd point Winston is in a much worse spot then sym is rn, both anecdotally and statistically
I was a god is my opinion lol I could be bronze for all u know hahah I never stated facts like I climbed on her whereas I couldn’t climb on other characters lol
If you say so, personally I consider them different from hitscan as they have limited range and can’t go any further then that determined range.
Reaper can still hit pellets from a distance, even though his preferred range is close up, and when I said that I was talking mostly about most of the histcan roster, Asha, Soldier, Bastion and widow.
You have a habit of doing coughing comments, are you that childish? Not shocked with that 1 endorsement rank, real toxic I bet.
Wrong yet again? I’ve been right a lot in your other posts. Genji doesn’t have as low as a pickrate and winrate as your trying to make it seem, Symmetra is only used in the most opportune times therefore her winrate is high and in my opinion, Genji definitely doesn’t negate shields.