Why’s everyone so compelled to buff dva and sym but not other characters that are in worse positions

She’s a niche character they need to completely rework her to be viable on all maps and that atleast means getting rid of her turrets or making all her abilities longer ranged but less dmg

To abuse choke points and bully tanks as well as being a mini tank yourself

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Yet not many people are using Mei in any part of ladder.


They already did that n he still isn’t picked.
He’s meant to punish positional errors and high grounds but he does both of those so subpar u have to play him like a coach roach basically just trying to survive and poke for blade

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Hanzo was also being played for his shield break and his ability to force lamp in double barrier.

Meis never been a popular pick my dude, she’s probably one small buff away from being balanced tho… I’d personally buff her rate of fire or dmg per shot or make her freeze projectile travel faster as I think its 25mps which is pretty bad


They over nerfed her in my opinion. She might not have been popular but she was in a better state before they started hammering nerfs into Mei.

Those changes you suggested would help Mei. I would add more ammo or lower consumption rate for her primary.


Of course she was in a better state but we don’t balance the game round masters or bellow.

One nerf I don’t understand was her very last one that included rein n sigma rock aswell

They may balance around gm but she is not used there either. When a character is that low everywhere that is a red flag. They nerfed everything about her freeze and wall but did not give her any compensating buffs.

I just checked the stats and she has been at the bottom over 6 months.


I agree with you that Mei needs help but please don’t use the last 6 months stats, use last month at max.

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I have checked them all from this week to months she has consistently been in the bottom.


I agree, Mei is pretty bad right now.

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We understand that other heroes need help, too, but we don’t main them, so we don’t know what they truly need. The dva’s here were able to get a clear list of not-really-controversial buff ideas in the past, and it was clear what we wanted. Sym mains sorta do that, but oftentimes the discussion is derailed into ‘support sym’ and ‘revert to 2.0 sym’.
Along with that, these heroes underperform in a much larger amount of the ranks, while certain heroes, like rein or bastion perform well in mid or low ranks, and underperform in high ranks.
You bring up Winston, but in the rare occasion a Winston main creates a thread, is there other Winston mains there? Not really. Dva mains have a lot of players frequenting here.
Also, number of buffs do not matter, as changing values of other things (like shields), can affect them much more than straight buffs.

Sym IS a projectile hero too. And she is worse that Hanzo or Genji for that matter, at all levels of play.

Mei, Sym and Sombra are all worse that DF and Genji.


And who are you gonna net buff, OP?

The peaks of spam that are Junkrat, Pharaoh and even Hanzo up to an extent, who also happen to be part of badly - designed combos like Pharmercy, etc.?

She wasn’t popular because she hard-countered the entire tank selection at most ranks. Until that problem is solved, they’re going to leave her there because the Tank queue is already abysmally low in players.

It’s the same reason Bastion is left as terrible because Bastion is basically uncounterable by the lowest third of the playerbase.

Yea but before nerfs she was a must pick, she’ll always be a niche pick and should stay that way if anything you as a mei player should be praying she doesn’t become meta again… so basically just 1 small buff is all she needs. She’s at a 48% winrate Rn which is bad but not horrible like orisa winny or roadhog so yea

Genji-watch wasn’t that long ago, dude. Mei was also used a ton until she was nerfed.

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She’s not a pure projectile hero just cause she has 1 projectile ability doesn’t make her projectile

Most definitely pharah, I’d like to experimental change come through, along side maybe some directional buffs to concussion so she can get more vertical boost from it since her fuel regen is subpar now, or just semi revert fuel regen change.

And I’d probably give genji shurikens more consistency since everyone cry’s when genji does slightly more dps so probably just increase shuriken speed from 60mps to 80.
But if not keep his shurikens same but up his hp up to 225 as he has to feed like doom in order to do anything so I feel like his hp should reflect that.

And I’d give hanzo a very very slight buff so and make his movement speed penalty whilst holding arrows down from 30% to 25% (equal to ashe scoped in) or make his projectiles same speed as meis but not old 120 (115)

Mei I’d either up her fire rate on icicles slightly or I’d increase the prone speed of her freeze so she better counters ball and genji but doesn’t really affect other characters as it doesn’t increase her range.

Echos fine tbh, but if I had to make a change I’d like her beam to have old range back but not do as much dps as it’s kinda unfair for tanks but that’s it.

I don’t wanna comment on junk much as I have less than 3 minutes on him but if I had to pick something I’d make his ult charge cost reduced by 10% as he builds ult slow since recent dmg nerf.

Torbs actually fine tbh I picked him and shot up heaps of sr so I feel like he’s a sleeper pick, maybe even slightly too strong but people don’t realise

Zens kinda fine but if I had to pick something I’d reduce his discord back to 25% as it’s to relevant in these poke metas but up his hp to 225 or fix his hitbox… and if he becomes too weak again I’d like to them make his orb last longer on flankers again like the past so he can be the premier flanker healer, maybe something like atleast 5 seconds when behind cover from whatever it is now

Winny needs just lots of small QoL changes like if he has 500hp during end of ult it stays at 500 n doesn’t go back to 400 and maybe make it so he doesn’t have to reload as much so up his ammo up from 100 to 120, and probably make his ult do slightly more dmg per swing

Orisa is extremely weak aswell ( you basically have to play her with another shield or she’s probably the worst tank) but she just fits the meta so well so you can’t mess with her quite yet until they either give sigma the brig treatment or actually give him a mini rework

Roadhog is also extremely weak now that shields are back. I wouldn’t want them to up his dmg tho, I kinda wanna see what it’d be like for him to receive those experimental changes where he could slightly heal his teammates with vape.

Ana is fine now that shields are back and isn’t too strong like everyone’s sooking about (funny how no one in high ranks complain about her other than hog mains)

bast and mei are likely the 2 worst heroes in game.

by design they arent allowed to be good anymore.

ratehr than buffs/nerfs/buffs cycle they need reworks to fix the problem they have.

this isnt unique to them.
sombra and sym also share that need. (sym could be buffed but still wouldnt make her used much)

winston has a “meh” reason to exist atm. barrier lasts short time and ball can get to enemy faster and pop a massive shield and cc them by knocking em around or in air.

Winston wont ever rival barrier tanks. he lacks the threat of hog. he lacks utility of d.va.
Hes in a place where there are betetr options in basically any situation. (let alone prolly the worst tank ult in game)

Roadhog, Torb (who are both more than fine and the moment and don’t need any buffs), Junkrat and Genji changes (Junkrat’s ULT doesn’t need to be even stronger, while your Genji suggestions gave really bad flashbacks of Hanzo’s projectile speed change) aside, these are not bad at all.

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