Why’s everyone so compelled to buff dva and sym but not other characters that are in worse positions

Cough cough someone cough cough mad bruv cough

N dash n blade negate shield plus deflect allows him to close space it’s just his dps is worse then even most supports even Ana bap zen, hell even moira can give him a run for his money

And D.Va has her micro missiles which are projectiles.
Sym has has her right mouse click which is projectile (and is used pretty much much/as much as primary fire)

What was your point highlighting what I said?

Dva missiles u just spam off CD n do f all dmg since nerf, or else people would go back to abusing the oneshot combo

And I know sym has orbs

That you are counting Echo as a hitscan character due to her beam, but think D.Va and Sym deserve less help than other characters?
I don’t even know why you started this whole hitscan vs projectile thing.
The bottom DPS are all Hitscan. Bastion, Sombra, Reaper.
Then the next three are Pharah, Mei and Sym. So I don’t understand why you think Sym is fine, all hitscans are apparently good and only specific projectile heroes need help?

I never said echo was hitscan? When did I say that please stop putting words in my online personas mouth

N bastions doing good rn cause of the meta and sombra will always have a very strong niche in any rank above masters, if they abuse her wincondition

I’d say the two worst characters Rn r pharah n Winston and genji isn’t too far behind

Not mad, I really couldn’t care less, your just trying to make a narrative that isn’t right and I’m having fun saying that it really ain’t true.

Back again with the childishness.

Sure they go through shields but they hardly invalidate them, and they certainly aren’t a reason to switch off shields.

Having fun by bullying my 1 endorsement rank that I care so much about yay

Simple solution don’t respond to me

Why would u switch off shields that’s like saying you should switch of shields cause echo can beam down reins shield when it’s only lost 800hp , which takes about 2 seconds if that lol

Sticky’s plus a few primaries and you’ve already taken reins shield down solo with beam as the finisher doesn’t mean reins shield is invalid as u trade 1 CD for 3 abilities. N aslong as he can survive the resources invested was irrelevant and that kinda easy.
Like just because echo soft/hard counters both reins base kit plus his shield doesn’t mean he’ll have to switch is what I’m saying

Might want to work on your wording a little bit then.

Ooooookay and now I know it’s pointless. Anybody who says “Bastion is doing okay” is just straight up lying.

No she won’t

Both Bastion and Sombra have been in the bottom of the barrel picks since months with a low winrate to boot.

They are both not great, but not the worst…

There are worlds between Pharah bad and Genji bad.
Especially considering Genji can easily be brought to the level of others with simple buffs, while Pharah is a lot more complicated.

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You’re really going through a lot of effort to squeeze some juice out of a few cashews

I’m just glad that they’ve recently started balancing round high tiers and not people like u

They’ve always balanced around high ranks.

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Considering I’ve been masters/GM since season 5, yeah I’m happy as well.
And yeah, really going through a lot of effort by simply stating facts that contradict your original claims.

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This guy just seems to contradict himself all the time.

Says Echo isn’t a a pure projectile hero because she has a beam, then says Genji is.

Genji has deflect which is projectile, blade which isn’t projectile, therefore he isn’t a pure projectile hero.

Not really… jeff even stated somewhere like a year ago that he’s going to listen to owl and high ranked players advice more plus they recently made discord’s for high ranked players n overwatch developers to discuss balance

But it’s still not perfect look at junk n pharah n bastion n reaper n moira for example op any rank below gold but progressively worse
They need more that statistical changes to become relevant ie reaper wraith changes

What are your opinions on moira?

You say she gets progressively worse till higher ranks but wasn’t she nerfed a couple months ago due to a certain streamer calling her busted, op, etc on higher ranks due to her heals, damage and orbs.

Do you think she needs a small rework or an ability change?

I find Moira kind of sad as she was originally this hero who dealt a ton of damage and heals, but eventually nerfed to be a healer instead of the hybrid she was said to be.

They made her more skillful but still not enough to be valued high tiers unless the meta suits her

They complained about orb n that was nerfed a hot minute ago I know people still rage from time to time about it but nowhere near as much as a year ago it was probably even worse than scatter rng wise

U can still dps but it’s really hard to frontline as her and hitscans r just wrecking Rn so everyone’s playing highgrounds

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I don’t remember when I saw the last “buff Mei” post.

Blade is the ultimate projectile because when I press the q button my body becomes the projectile the swords just an extension of my body

I think you may want to lookup what hitscan is. Calling a beam “short range hitscan” is like calling torb’s turret a projectile.


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Moira has never had a dps nerf has she? She had the one nerf to beam width but that didn’t feel too major to me (unless I’m trying to hit a tracer).

On the other hand, her healing has been nerfed several times: HPS, linger duration, and resource amount. If anything that’s where she’s lost power.