Why’s everyone so compelled to buff dva and sym but not other characters that are in worse positions

Then why call him a throw pick?

Or am I misunderstanding?

I guess anything not meta could be a throw pick at gm, idk, my peak was masters.

I dislike these changes.

A lot actually.

The primary fire rate buff alone… maybe? I guess? Still against buffing Genji over the bottom 5 but ok ig.

Yes the deflect nerfs that will do something i guess.

And ult charge isn’t the only problem, it’s Genji being ridiculously powerful (he’s arguably stronger with your changes with only a slight loss in dueling potential with deflect nerfs) with a ridiculously powerful ult (nano-blade which will start charge quite quickly)

I think this is to make him as competitive with hitscan? But isn’t that just power creep?

After nerfing hitscan, we can see what to do about genji.

And the likely scenario would be to nerf tracer so dive no longer requires Tracer as one of the dps.

Boom, dive is more diverse and Genji has a niche as well as some maps he works well on without functioning extremely well in every comp (like Widow) without need for any significant buffs.


That doesn’t change that in comparison to almost all projectiles they are still overtuned. The shield nerfs were especially damaging to projectiles.

Unless you substantially nerf healing he won’t get played due to him not being very lethal, my changes make it harder to play him while making him stronger. I do agree with you that nano blade needs to go though.

Junkrat is the only good projectile hero againts sheilds,
the other are pretty bad,
so i dont think the shields nerfs only affected hitscan

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It’s not about being good against shields. It’s about shields greatly decreasing the threat of hitscans.

Without shields hitscans always win against projectiles because hitscans are far too consistent.

If Winston can get kills then I’m sure Genji will manage lol.

Also, one step at a time.

Unless you want to play RespawnWatch with longer queues because no one wants to play support or tank, we should tone down damage (which needs nerfs now) before we nerf healing before it even needs nerfs (which wouldn’t make sense, if healing would need large nerfs, we don’t know how hard to nerf it until we tone down damage).

Also it’s a team game, Genji doesn’t have to be strong enough to wipe someone.


Hanzo was played alot in OWL, when they used no shield tanks

OWL is in no way relevant to the ladder. It’s for all intents and purposes an entirely different game.

The main problem is brig,
projectile heroes are good, when they play with dive tanks, that are able to, close distance fast

They need to take away Doom’s self flashbang.

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Pretty sure zen has been seeing plenty of play

Cause dva is adult’s movies star, and sym is just a meme, I think she is just popular at this forum, also forum is filled with plat chat, so no wonders why sym is being discussed that much =) Ppl want to onetrick heroes and get value of it. But games doesn’t work for them that way. You can onetrick some heroes as a challenge, or to learn it weaks and strengths. But this is not the best way to climb, unless you know what you’re doing. Like when Ashe was released, nobody played her, but I saw some potential and made it to gm with her. I am pretty sure with enough motivation you can do the same with sym, and steevoo is a good example for that with his recent unranked to gm sym only. And if someone can make it, seems like character is okay? But ppl just refuse facts that they are just as bad with a hero =)

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is this a joke? Support creep is the reason tanks are getting buffs

I don’t know why you’re trying to rewrite history, but anyone can view the patch history. There was no “emergency patch after two weeks.”

June 16, 2020:

  • Damage increased from 28 to 30

Secondary Fire

  • Spread reduced from 12 to 9


  • Duration increased from 1.5 to 2 seconds
  • Can now be cancelled manually

July 31, 2020

  • Damage decreased from 30 to 28

Secondary Fire

  • Recovery increased from 0.65 to 0.75

Idk about that one bossman, obvs the hanzo mei is what I assume you’re on about, followed by mei rein dva, then some hero pools Shiz, then echo ashe, then Ashe tracer, genji Ashe, sombra something else, double sniper (Ashe/hanzo widow) sombra tracer, and now echo has settled well into the meta, there’s been more hitscan but there’s definitely been projectile played

I would look at dps that are in a far worse state before looking at genji. Mei for example is not played much on anywhere on ladder. The over nerfed Mei to point where a common comment is “why pick mei over other dps”


welcome to the forums. In this place you will find wild highly biased and entitled support, tank and some dps players, more specifically Mercy, Sym, Ana, Moira, Hog, Ball, Dva, Genji mains who want to either create buff X hero, nerf X hero, X hero club, Smurf = Hack => Bad gaem, random unnecessary question, completely off topic posts, how is your day? posts, etc…

If you want to farm likes, make a post about buffing mercy or how miserable it is to play the strongest role in the game and therefore we need to buff X hero or nerf dps.

statistics, your own gameplay, your rank, high ranked gameplay, etc… dont matter anything to them unless its about buffing mercy. If you disagree your thread will be filled with “I have to disagree, but factually - ‘put their opinion here’”.

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Why would Symm’s and Dva’s mains ask for buffs for Hanzo, Genji or Winston? Let their mains ask for buffs, if they aren’t is their problem, not Symm’s and Dva’s

They buffed his deflect which no one asked for is my main gripe, they could of just made him a glass cannon with the dmg buffs

And Rn he is bottom 3 atleast in my elo, even bastion is better Rn

Or better nerf hit scans and double shield