Who's next to get nerfed?

His shiled is outclassed in every way by Oisa once you account for her cooldown and that minor mobility he has is the only advantage he’s really got in a shield war.


Think of it like a scale. :balance_scale:
One side is buffs and the other is nerfs.
Recently they threw tanks out of wack by buffing some characters. Now they need to nerf some to balance things out.

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The angry mob is never happy and with each nerf they are emboldened to think they dictate the game and will only cry for more nerfs to things they don’t like :joy:

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Genji got his hitbox fixed

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dive consist of

dva, winston, tracer, genji, zen and lucio

dva :skull:
tracer :skull:
genji :skull:
zen :skull:
lucio :skull:
so winston :smiling_imp::smiling_imp::smiling_imp:


Here ya go. I myself am kinda proud of it personally

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Ok :slight_smile: ! Maybe increasing his shield’s HP would be an idea then :slight_smile: ! Or increase Orisa’s shield cooldown to keep Rein as a balanced tank ?

Hanzo, as soon the rework go live.

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True :slight_smile: ! When I say “nerf” it doesn’t mean I was against the changes.

I’ll try to stay neutral on this thread I started.

They might nerf Hanzo’s rapid fire tbh.

THe idea that I’ve heard going around is to allow rein to gain shield instantly based on firestrike damage.


My prediction is that they will probably nerf brigette, hanzo and moira.

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But it’s SO FUN!!!

Probably Sombra, I still see people complaining about how OP sge is despite being back in F tier thanks to bugs

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The devs always have a hard time finding the balance when a new hero is released or after a big rework ! So Hanzo being toned down could happen. You’re right !

Whatever’s a hot pick in both Overwatch League and Competitive Play, I suppose.

Here’s the top ten played heroes dating back to Stage 1 (Game 1) of OWL. Bold means the hero was recently nerfed and Italics means nerf/change is pending.

  • D.VA (255 hours)
  • Zenyatta (224 hours)
  • Winston (222 hours)
  • Tracer (203 hours)
  • Mercy (191 hours)
  • Lucio (80 hours)
  • Widowmaker (75 hours)
  • Genji (73 hours)
  • Junkrat (50 hours)
  • Soldier: 76 (40 hours)

Comparing that to stats for Competitive/Ranked, it’s about the same but you may see less (or more) of a hero depending on what rank.

It’s subjective to think who may be nerfed in the future, instead they may just buff heroes who are hardly played.


Source is WinstonsLab, using game data from Jan. 11th to April 19. Keep in mind that during this current stage they’re still on an old patch, possibly pre-D.VA nerf.

Bored, so here's the lowest 10 picked in OWL, again ranging from the first match of Stage 1 to now:

Bold means recent buff, italics means changes are on PTR or are coming soon™:

Symmetra (32 seconds)
Torbjörn (18 minutes)
Mei (1 hour 37 minutes)
Doomfist (2 hours 33 minutes)
Bastion (3 hours 7 minutes)
Hanzo (3 hours 26 mins)
Reaper (4 hours 46 minutes)
Zarya (11 hours 10 minutes)
Reinhardt (16 hours 18 minutes)
Sombra (19 hours 27 minutes)

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I’m not a Sombra player but the main thing I don’t like about her is that she doesn’t have another ability (except for her left click) to deal damage. Same goes for Tracer even though Tracer has other more consistent abilities that make up for it.

Her ult should definitely deal some damage… Maybe inflicting damage when people are trying to use / spam their ability while being hacked ?

Kinda want dva and widows mobility nerfed since it dosent have much risk

I don’t see anyone getting nerfed in the near future.

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Why D.Va? Can you elaborate on the lacking of risk?