Who's next to get nerfed?

Genji’s huge hitbox got nerfed, Tracer’s pulse bomb got nerfed (didn’t see that one coming), Brigitte’s shield bash got nerfed, Junk got nerfed some more and Dva got nerfed a few weeks ago.

Is everyone happy now ? Or is there anything else that"needs" to get nerfed in the future (serious question) ?

#Nerfwatch :stuck_out_tongue: !


Well, they were all justified to make other heroes more viable. Like Reaper and Mei.


I want Reinhardt bugs fixed

The hunt is nothing without the huntress, we always will hunt for nerfs.



I didn’t say they weren’t !

I’ve been playing since the game’s release and I was against nerfs in the first place (no matter the hero) but since they nerfed Road’s hook 2 years ago, the game became a succession of demanded nerfs by the community ^^ !

I know we can’t take that back anyways. My question still stands though : who’s next to get nerfed in your opinion ?

I feel like Moira’s next and I read somewhere that Hanzo’s new ability can easily kill a tank so maybe they’re gonna tone it down.

Mercy hopefully
They nerf her boring factor by reducing the duration of Valk

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Probably Pharah and Bastion since the desire seems to be to completely hand the game over to Brigitte.

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I’m a Mercy main on this account :stuck_out_tongue: ! As far as I’m concerned they can delete Valkyrie entirely, I wouldn’t mind haha !

That ult is so boring but I have no idea how to replace it with something else. Her previous ult isn’t coming back and valkyrie has less impact at higher ranks in comp. Reworking her again is not an option I think. This would just make the things worse amongst the community.

I guess Valkyrie will remain, they can still tone it down or change it slightly.

I went over how to fix it in another thread I made recently
REmove chain beams and reduce the duration, from there you can buff it in many ways that would be insanely fun.

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Probably Reinhardt :[

Brig will still get nerfed, and Junkrat might get more nerfs.

Hmmm if what you said was true, they wouldn’t be nerfing her shield bash.

Reminder :

• Shield Bash

Cone angle reduced from 90 to 60 (currently on the PTR)

I think the devs are trying to make everyone happy by nerfing every annoying ability people complain about.

Anybody that thinks Reinhardt needs to be nerfed should uninstall the game.


It’s a joke towards the poor state Reinhardt is in. Each patch he is inadvertently nerfed from new heroes or buffs to current heroes. I love my big guy, but he needs some serious attention :frowning: I wish Blizzard would at least state they have him in their radar, unless of course I missed that somewhere.

I agree, chain beams are not funny since you have no control over them. They only work if the team sticks together (it’s not as wide as Orisa’s ult).

Maybe increasing her healing and damage boost when she uses her valkyrie (without chain beam) could be an idea. It would force Mercy to target different teammates and make her more active.

I want Sombra bugs fixed


Probably Widow, in all honesty. They buffed her a while ago because people weren’t playing her, but now her mobility is kind of oppressive.

Moira, right? Brigitte has a nerf on the PTR, so I think Moira is now the only hero who hasn’t been touched.

No one is safe!

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A list of solutions from my thread that involve fixxing valk primarily after these nerfs
We buff the power of the beams
We merge the beams into one (damage and healing)
We apply a new effect like damage mitigation onto the primary target
We let battle mercy happen simoltainiously

Any number of these could help fix the problem (not all obviously unless toned down but generally a few ideas)

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