Enjoy the 10 minute queue times in the future, Mr. support main. The truth will eventually be revealed that supports are in fact too strong for the game.
I called every other thing on this game right, only a matter of time before the devs realizes this after there are no more tanks or damage players and put out a statement apologizing to support players for what they have to do and still charging them $120 for a Kiri, Ana, Mercy bundle deal (you’ll buy it with no hesitation)
Lay off the tin foil hat. The only truth that’s evident for everyone is you’re bad at the game. Some support heroes are overtuned and so are some damage and tank heroes.
I managed to kill folks as a mercy. Last seasons i forced sombras to swap, as a mercy.
If someone loses an attempted spawncamp 1v1 to mercy, they’re just bad.
“Me looking around to see which FUN support heroes I can play against dive.”
Give me a duelist support with mobility, a hitscan weapon that isn’t marksman based, and now we’re talking. No, Juno does not count since she doesn’t head shot.
Having to play Moira/Brig just because they can “check” enemy dps makes sense competitively, but isn’t fun. Also Lucio can duel flankers, but his learning curve is way higher than learning Tracer or Genji, for example.
I have a much easier time reaching GM on support than any other class in the game so yeah I can confirm supports are over tuned. I stick to bap, zen and kiriko. These heroes are just too good at getting kills and providing a ton of utility. Juno I would say easily rose up to the top too due to her healing and high mobility/damage.
There’s no hiding it. Support queue times are the highest in every rank. From bronze to GM, support is just the better role of the 3 and takes less to none of the blame for the losses.
Just sick how much babying they need. Every tank and damage hero should be able to one or two shot them. That’s the only way this game will be fun again.
You realize the majority of support players want to be able to fight back, and not just have to hope for peeling, right? I was a support main, got bored of it, and I never wanted anything more than a fighting chance against overtuned flankers at the time.
Nailed it.
But that’s what the DPS players wanted. Remember according to the forum DPS players, supports are just amazingly better DPS and their role is cosmetic.
Same, minus the no cross hair. Been feasting on Tracers in Master lately. Seems there’s an influx of bad Tracers.
Tbf they do have a track record of catering to certain types of heroes, but it’s not role specific exactly. Typically more burst oriented and hitscan or flanky (aside from Sombra; they also ruined what made her fun regardless of power level since)
In fairness, they’ve catered the support role to DPS mains meaning a lot of DPS players lock support because they’re less likely to be flamed for not doing well since DPS isn’t supposed to be our job, even though it now is because our role has been completely warped by 5v5 philosophy.
And I’m pointing this out because it actually means that in my recent experience, if I queue for both roles, I’ll more often than not get DPS. This is, as I say, a recent development, however.
Tbf, not even this; it’s because of a lack of options for tank players. Support was almost as impacted with regard to having too few players for the vast majority of 6v6 RQ for the exact same reason.
There was (is) simply a saturation of DPS heroes. Although tbf they’re becoming more and more alike, with the same handful being forever meta.
If you think support heroes need to be 150hp for dps to have more impact than bunny hopping go play candy crush or a game that only involves bunny hopping. This one requires way too much skill for you