Who's having fun outside of Widow and Supp mains?

I finally figured it out… Support mains ruined OW.

They’re the ones that ruin everything. They got the off tank removed to make their jobs easier. They got the healing creep they wanted so badly. They got the damage creep they wanted so badly. They got the survivability creep they wanted so badly. They even get all the skins, just ugh!

There is no fun heroes in the tank role. They all need a support to enable them and it’s sickening how boring the role is. Every damage hero is weak as hell now. Not one can go 1v1 with a tank anymore, yet supports all of a sudden can do it consistently with minimal effort.

Just so unfun. Uninstalled.


Support mains are like the pampered brats of OW, they will cry until every single flanker DPS is nerfed to oblivion because they are unable to duel them due to skill issue (even though most supports have the tools to easily shut down most of the DPS roster)
their heroes are rework immune at this point (just look when they tried to slightly touch mercy and reverted it back after a week because they don’t wanna piss the mercy mains who buy all the skins)
the game is just balanced so the precious support mains can have fun because they’re the people buying the skins


That’s not what Balance means.

If you wanna act like DPS players got more than 18 Choices.

That’s wrong.


The real secret is that the devs don’t “cater” to ANY group as they’ve dumpstered/ruined heroes from all 3 categories, but hey, people like you just HAVE to have a scapegoat.


Not going to lie, Widowmaker is about as obnoxious as the forums make her out to be if you are stuck on support. Every game is just forcing Lucio into a Mercy pocketed XiM abuser. Holy mother of Reinhardt it is annoying.


The only thing support players asked for were skins.

Everything else you typed is completely made up.

The only ones responsible for the current state of the game are the ones who work for Blizzard, who could main any role.


I was doing my DPS comp placements and having fun playing Venture and Torbjorn.


i mean when I play doom, ball or pharah i have lots of fun but it also depends on my teammates if they want to try with me. A lot games are great, but you always get those few that are just like impossibly painful to play with and it’s so rough to stick it out and finish and not want to just leave. (I Barely if ever leave but some, some games… holy do they make me want to leave so bad)

Support is less fun with widow every game. You can’t interact with the hero at all unless you hard flank as Moira or go full reddit Lucio. Other than that support is limited to hiding behind walls and healbotting all game.


That’s why I said what I said. Only Widowmaker and Ashe are viable since they can pick them off in one hit, the rest of the DPS have to put in too much effort just to duel a support.

I miss their state in OW1 where they were free kills for everyone but were still impactful through their utilities.

Correction, Ana players ruined Overwatch

Not really, but they do a pretty good job of making the game not fun just like Sombra did

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Me as hanzo have been eating well :joy: and also practicing no crosshair real :bow_and_arrow:
Yesterday funnily had lots of good matches that went down the wire .

Progressive aggression towards Lil bro

This one have no idea how we kept winning every ot almost broke my back

This is tac sim experience in overwatch lol or as far as its possible

Yesterday’s experience would almost rate matchmaker 8/10 even the matches with throwers were close.

Is she the next tank hero :astonished:

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thats not true at all! Signed, a support main.
anyone who isn’t maining support at this point is a enjoying the pain.


Then explain why the support role is the most popular role and has been for several seasons.

It’s either play a hero who can one shot or play support.

Exactly what I say. Any who doesn’t enjoy the pain is playing support.
its like paid vacation playing support.

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Read it wrong, my bad, lol. Just mad at the awful state of the game :sob:

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understandable. have a good day. :sweat_smile:

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I loved having 2 tanks. It’s why i play oq.

Wouldn’t need this if there weren’t so many oneshot combos.

Nobody wanted this. We had to get this because a tank got deleted and dps still aren’t peeling.

Half the support roster got their hp nerfed recently…

That’s because the damage is too high.

Because a tank got deleted, they have to be stronger to do their job.

Which one? Not ana. 1.5 second sleep doesn’t help with that, nade doesn’t help unless the rest of the team helps. It’s not a 1v1 then.

If a tank dives bap, he will die unless peeled for.

Brig. Made of paper if a tank gets in her face.

Illari. 90 dmg on headshot, 20 hps from pylon. She’s not going to live.

Juno, running away is not winning a 1v1.

Kiri is doomed the moment she’s used suzu.

Lifeweaver so far is the only one with a chance against a tank in a 1v1.

Lucio, only if the tank is standing on a ledge or is the lucio has gm level movement and is against a metal tank.

Mercy, moira. :rofl:

Zenyatta, if the tank is closer than 30 meters, he’s dead. From afar, maybe.


When did this happen?
Mist mercy reverts have happened because they made her op. Like the season 3 triage patch.
That got reverted because she healed too much.

Bullet size changes, hers got immediately nerfed because they were too big.
Ga changes, that’s all on the devs.

If this was true, we’d still have a second tank and no dps heal nerf passive.

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