Who still needs buffs?

at this point, I don’t think anyone needs nerfs (even hanzo and I hate him)

but who needs buffs/a little reworking?
-bastion (maybe, I don’t know how he feels after his buff on live)
-pharah(? but if mercy gets buffed, she will get picked more)

reaper: he’s supposed to be a tank buster and make tanks fear him, but he doesn’t (maybe give a secondary fire and fix his e)

bastion: again, I don’t play him, so I’m not 100% sure what he needs

soldier: maybe increase his healing field rate and increase his damage to 20 (or maybe increase his hs multiplier)

junk: I’m not positive, but revert the size nerf (and do something to make him feel less… cheap to die to)

mercy: many good suggestions on the forums, but I suggest removing rez, increasing heals to 65 hps (and 70 in valk) and either put a heal boost on e or an ability that allows you to prevent death instead of reverting it

pharah: maybe increase the damage of a direct by like 5 or 10 (but as I said, her pickrate would rise if mercy’s did)

mei: I really don’t know about this one, but it feels really bad to die to her, so maybe increase her freeze rate just a little and then only slow the target when the Mei is hitting them (so if she stops freezing me or misses, immediately I speed up again) (also with her ult)
df: his nerfs were overkill, rebuff him and make the H to swap much bigger
what do you guys think


I don’t know about sym or Torb either

with sym, just make her tickrate the same as zarya
and Torb, I think people underestimate his ult (a good Torb is able to cover a whole point or place it strategically

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  • Reaper needs modifications to Shadow Step to make him able to move before he is vulnerable (or able to attack) at the destination.
  • Bastion needs headshots for Sentry mode, which should never have been removed in the first place.
  • Soldier does not need any help with damage. He needs a reduction of the cooldown of Biotic Field.
  • Junkrat needs his old grenade size back, yes. He also needs to have only one mine on a slightly shorter cooldown instead of two mines that he can use back to back on the same target.
  • Mercy doesn’t need 65 hp/sec. She was fine at 60. What she really needs is a rework to make Resurrect her ultimate again, but in her current form restoring her 60 hp/sec healing beam would make her balanced again without major changes.
  • Pharah needs more effective splash damage. Pharah’s changes were not well-thought-out. Her projectiles are too slow to have a small splash radius and remain effective at long range, and the better Pharah’s splash damage is, the more effective she could be against things like GOATS.
  • Mei and all other slow effects in the game need adjustments to how they work. Right now they are additive, which means that instead of reducing Reinhardt’s speed a little more when he has his shield up, Mei’s freezing spray and Sym’s turrets can completely immobilize him. All slows should be multiplicative instead, which would make playing against them feel a lot better and make a whole lot more sense.

Mei DOES NOT need a buff.
People complain about her as it is as being OP.

She is perfectly fine the way she is. I just wish using Blizzard Re-filled her ammo.

her slowing is just annoying, which is why I posed that idea in the op

Would make more sense for her cryofreeze to refill ammo than for her ult to do it.

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How about buffing Pharah and not basing this on another hero?

Yeah buffing Mercy would make Pharah a little more viable, but that doesn’t solve the glaring issue that on her own Pharah is pushing niche tier right now due to the hitscan power creep as well as the roster composed of of 2/3’s of soft counters.

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According to the forum hivemind the heroes that seem to need the most buffs are Tracer, D.Va and Genji.

Come back to me when you have over 100hrs on her like I do. You want it more on Ult. You don’t realize how much time you spend reloading when your blizzard is going off.

but do you disagree with the slow effect only working when her beam is touching the enemy and puts them to full speed when they aren’t being hit?

if that makes sense

Pharah needs something. The latest changes to her were just overall nerfs since it made her worse against squishies that she struggles against and better against tanks which she was already good at. They promised to focus on balance more so maybe there will be changes in the next patch, but looking back at how they’ve decimated heroes like Roadhog and Mercy before it doesn’t seem likely that they’ll be making her viable due to being so distant from the reality of balance :fearful:

To be honest its never really bothered me. I was just happy when they made her freeze spray able to hit multiple people. I think it is to easy to over-tune.

what doesn’t, being frozen?

man it sucks for a tank

Its her mechanics. Yeah, it sucks being frozen, but it also sucks getting hammered, stunned, booped, smashed, hacked, emped. Don’t single out one hero because they “annoy” you.

Normally Meis will either start Blizzard with full ammo as an opener, or use it in the middle of a fight when she gets surrounded followed by a cryofreeze to stay alive until her enemies are frozen. If cryofreeze reloaded her gun, she would still have that free reload available during Blizzard when she actually needs it.

And yeah, it DOES suck as a tank, trust me i have 74hrs on D.Va. Mei Counters Most tanks.

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oh yeah, it’s the worst

especially with stacking (getting hacked, emped, and then hacked again or getting frozen, blizzarded, and then frozen again)

I’m not singling out Mei, just that most of the others can be countered

I mean, we’re talking to a 100+ hours Mei main, pretty sure they would know

Mei’s also use Blizzard on the drop of dime to counter an enemy’s play, say , Warding off a Nano-Blade diving your backline, Freeze that Nano-BoB, ect.
You don’t have time to reload on those quick instances like that.

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On the occasions where I have witnessed or myself needed an emergency counter-Blizzard, cryofreeze has nearly always been a necessity to avoid death. Even in your scenarios listed, a nano-blade or nano-Bob can easily kill Mei if she doesn’t cryofreeze or wall them off to buy time, and in the latter situation she has time to reload anyway.

Mei’s ultimate is an instant I-win button against anyone in her spray range if she still has ammo. I think she needs to be able to run out of ammo at inopportune moments so that people actually have a chance to get out of the Blizzard. Forcing her to burn cryofreeze to get the instant reload is a much better choice for gameplay because it makes her vulnerable. It’s then an actual choice of risk vs reward that promotes skilled play instead of just a straight buff.

I realize that you see Mei’s reload as an inconvenience that you’d rather not deal with in that particular moment, and understand why. I just don’t agree with your solution because it’s just a net buff and all it does is remove a way for Mei to make a mistake in resource management.