GO back to my first post. I said Mei DOES NOT need a buff.
BUT I would LIKE her ult to reload her ammo, you know like Reaper.
That would be a buff.
Most dps.
Tanks are just fat and better DPS at this point.
NEED, and LIKE are two different words.
You don’t see people on the forums BEGGING for Mei buffs.
I’m a bit confused as to why you’ve been trying to justify a buff if you don’t think Mei should have one. Need and like are, indeed, two separate things… but you don’t have to justify what you like or would like unless you want to make it happen.
She has unfixed bugs and issues like cryofreeze favoring the shooter, ultimate disappearing if you die or get stunned, wonky wall placing that causes it to spawn in different positions instead of desired one.
I would mainly fix her bugs, and tune her kit core: the cryofreeze and the wall:
- Wall: make cooldown always 6/7 seconds even if destroyed prematurely, and duration to 5 seconds. Make Ice Wall blueprint visible to teammates, to allow better coordination and prevent better wall trolling
- Cryofreeze: reduce cooldown to 10 seconds, duration to 2 seconds and max healing rate to 125HP in total
- Ultimate: reduce the damn long cast time, to make it more consistent and more effective to trap enemies inside it
Reapers needed buffs since season 2 ended think about that
I think the nerfs to doomfist might of been a little too much and he might need some buffs later.
I still think McCree could use a tiny buff maybe, just a spread reduction on fth. But we shall see if the buffs he just got for that.
I think reaper could use some minor buffs really, he’s not too bad though I think. I think if he got a cooldown buff to shadowstep, like down to 7 seconds? it might help more than people realize.
I think wrecking ball might need just a handful of tweaks, but his meta just might not have come yet.
Mercy and sym will probably also need some buff/tweaks, but I’m not sure what really.
Reaper’s Shadow Step should be something like Moira’s teleport or sth like blink.
And, he needs an alt fire which reduces armor or a grenade that slows or dazes enemies etc
His fire pattern should be reworked. Imo, inner circles must contain more shell fragments . I sometimes feel that my shots pass through enemy.
Don’t agree with the 65 HPS on Mercy, that would make her a must pick again with a consistent 65 HPS.
I’d start with 55 HPS and see how that goes, and I’d also like the devs to test out Mass Res with LOS and slight cast time. (I know, everyone hates it but I’m not opposed to it like this)
Junkrat needs a mix of buffs and nerfs.
He’s been getting the wrong ones for so long now that he’s in a horrible state of being op and trash at the same time.
I wish they would give him a complete fade out ablity, just like in the shorts. So he could move anywhere on a 3d plain and choose where to reform or reform automatically once the timer runs out. Make it silent but still slightly visible to balance.
Nope nope nope, for reaper to have a teleport like moira would make him soo op they would delete the character from overwatch. He can already one tap most heroes, now imagine that with moira teleport. That would be stupid broken.
top most pick rate for Reaper ?
1.78 % all,
0,15 % grandmasters pick rate