Who primarily plays QP or COMP?

They play other modes and customs. Google statistics if you want, these numbers are not from the sky/

I never touch Comp. It’s either MH’s or QP.

Comp matches take too long unless it’s KOTH.

Honestly Quick Play is the gamemode I spend 90% of my game time on tbh


I only play mystery heroes and quickplay classic

QP, mostly. I like the freedom to leave any 2CP maps the game tries to throw me into.

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Here is official representation of popularity for different ow game modes (QP ARCADES COMP) from Kaplan (2020)

I’ve been done with competitive mode since they released role queue. It made QP actually playable for the most part. At least you don’t know who will win based on hero picks before the match starts.

People in competitive mode take the game way too seriously which is anti-fun.

You just know it’s comp. People always saying how it’s the “serious” gamemode and QP is “the mode where you throw”. I take QP over comp any day of the week, since in QP at least you can get a backfill instead of being forced to play a 6v5.

Neither. I play mostly Arcade, specifically QPC or TDM. When I just want to switch brain off and vibe to music, then it’s VS AI or custom games.

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I used to play exclusively competitive, during the 1st two years of OW.
After that, I barely play competitive & I primarily play QP, Arcade, & Custom Games.
Mainly Lucio Surfing & Widow free-for-all.

After role-queue was implemented, the queue times for every role was increased to some extent, making me play the game less than before & almost no competitive mode, too.
The queue times are a literal time waster.

Exclusively QP player with sprinkle of Arcade when I need boxes (or when there used to be fun events), I got no time for comp at the state it’s in.