Who is your favorite playable character and why? :D

It’s a hard habit to break


I love military stories

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Widow & Mccree, cuz click heads, lol 4head.


I love military men. <3

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I have a few from my oversea tour, none like super exciting but entertaining

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My favorite is Sombra, her playstyle is tricky and risky… so risky that Blizzard had to put training wheels on her with the latest updates. When you get the perfect play with a difficult character it feels ten times more rewarding.

Also love her attitude.


I’ve been playing Mei more because of him.

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:sparkles: So cool :sparkles:

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Mercy, because I love enabling my team and her mobility is the best in the game. I also love tilting the enemy team when they can’t kill me.

D.Va, when there’s good healers, otherwise she’s just annoying. I’m not sure what it is I enjoy anymore though, tbh, I just know she’s my best hero and I like peeling for people and eating ults.

Mei, she’s satisfying to kill with, especially when I catch people in her ult. Dink dink dink dink! Music to my ears. Also she’s adorable.

The more I improve with Zarya the more I enjoy her because she’s also a bit of an enabler with her bubbles, and landing a good Grav feels so good.

Tracer, because it’s Tracer. After just 20+ hours it feels impossible not to get 4 golds a game when I play her. It’s obscene.

Oh, and new Symmetra. Her new active playstyle is a lot more fun, I love being sneaky and cheeky with her turrets. Her ult is also really helpful when placed well and taken proper advantage of by your team.


DVa. In the less organized QP matches, I can outpace a Hanzo in damage. :crazy_face:


Lucio, because he is the most fun hero.

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it WAS Reinhardt but since the last patch he just doesn’t feel the same…


I played a lot of resto druid back in my wow days so the move over to an aoe based heal over time character felt pretty natural.

Then as theyve boosted his mobility more and more, hes become more and more fun.

Super pumped for all the upcoming healer changes and being able to pick him back up again without being asked to swap

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My favorite to play is Zenyatta. I can heal and deal a bunch of damage at the same time. I also love debuffs in general on characters which is why it feels good to discord enemies. I also like Transcendence because I think of it as a shutdown of my enemies’ ult. For example, a Zarya is going to combo with another hero to instawipe my team. But I use my Transcendence and cancel that entire combo (if there is no Ana with a biotic grenade) and ruin their days.

It feels good to play Zenyatta.


Mercy, because I like being support and she is basically apacifist in lore.

Junk, casue he is funny.

Mei, because…mei is bae and adorable <3


As a Lucio main with 210 hours on record, I of course have to pick

Wrecking Ball. Hammond is just so much fun.

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76! Ameuters see simplicity, I see a complete kit.

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Oh, its Lucio because “Don’t Stop me Now”

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Junkrat flossing… I’m not sure wether to hug you or slap you.

Lol jk slap

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I love Sombra. I would want powers like hers.

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