Those of us that spend too much time here, who is a recognized name that you like the most among those who share their main hero?
Oh, uh. My favorite is the next Lucio main to reply to this thread.
Its not that I totally don’t know who plays who or anything…
I love all genji mains. They are so funny whey scream about how they play the weakest hero in the game.
Weird wording but I assume you mean who we like that also has the same main as us,
I guess Aurora but I haven’t seen him in awhile, other would prob be Ryan, I mean I guess my goal is to think upon what higher ranked mercies say and try to become a better mercy I dunno.
Hello, hello
Couldn’t have asked for a better person to reply.
Hanasong, I miss her/him (sorry idk I am guessing “him”, from threads I have read)
I wouldn’t say we are anywhere close to friends but we reply to each others post usually
Does Wyoming count? if not Jeff (when he does show up on here)
Bastion mains are pretty chill here.
That is like the opposite for us Symm mains lmao
Ryan is basically the official forum Mercy main.
Zen, Ana, and 76 mains are generally pretty quiet about maining said characters. Brig mains… actually now that I think about it, there are a few chill ones. Gonna go with Taiga (F in chat)
The most vocal Doomfist main is actually pretty unpopular.
Why tf do people like Wyoming - he acts like Blizzard can do no wrong.
Made this forum in response to all the toxicity. If we can get her/him/them onto that thread without any toxic people following, that would be great.
Because they’re a nice person? Is it really difficult to understand why someone would enjoy interacting with a genuinely nice person?
Well he is pretty terrible currently lol
Most forum “regulars” feed off of the conflict in their threads and aren’t really open to discussion. That being said, some of them are actually nice but are drowned out by the former.
Wish it wasn’t like that though, I know the devs rarely browse the official forums but I still like posting overwatch related things here since (besides the highlight reel known as Reddit) there’s no where else to go. Even the most harmless of discussions trigger a fight response here.
they cried about “weakest hero in the game” since beta. So it is just a meme right now.
I don’t have a main so not sure. Tho Doomfist is a hero I love to play, and I respect people who have the Doomfist handball icon