Who is this "someone else" the developers mentioned a while back?

I doubt it’s rein ,sadly.

They’re probably waiting (and hoping) for dive to die down in S10 with brigitte before buffing other tanks.

You could say the same with ana ,but considering they’re trying to kill the meta she was made for (triple tank meta) they’re probably looking for a way to buff her ,or maybe even rework her.

It’s hero 2…what number are we on now? 28?

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That image gets bigger every time I see it.

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He also mentioned later that it’s an older kit too so I’m hoping it’s Bastion. He’s had it for about a year. Then again it could be Rein.

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Woah ,where’d you get that ? need to add it to the OP

It’s here.

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It’s everyone and no one at the same time.

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Yes, you are correct.

Ana or Reinhardt hopefully.

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I don’t think that it would be worth mentioning ,hyping and keeping it secret ,especially not in a thread about reworks for bad heroes

I’ll fight you for it :smiley: I made this transparent background picture all by myself and I feel accomplished :slight_smile:


Seems logical. The forums will literally be on an argument war if jeff announce a rework on mercy too early. Best they announce it when they are ready to release it on PTR.

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20 characters.

Schrodinger’s cat reference

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I lifted the image off of his “reconfigure” highlight intro and put it on a transparent background png. I got it super smooth somehow.

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Rein is fine because he has Brigitte backing him up now. Those two have a lot of synergy.

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And I cannot wait to start seeing this become more of a common thing.:blush:

I guess that part of me just hopes he could get the ability to cancel his charge similary how Reaper can now canel out of his Wraith form.

(Currently I really want that Earthshatter bug fixed more than anything with him)

Well, all I know is that…

It’s not Mercy. Coz she’s fine.

Messing with flat earthers aside, it’s most likely Ana, Bastion, or Reinhardt, which are the three characters that have suffered quite a bit from power creep.