Who is the best healer

Who is the best healer right now

best healer? uhh according to Overbuff it’s Moira who has 13k heals per ten on average

if you mean best support then it’s probably Bap or Zen while Moira is regarded as one of the worst funnily enough.


The one I don’t play… LOL

Soldier, according to forum.

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Bap/Ana are safe picks. Mercy/Zen/Brigg are generally fine to pick and Lucio in niche circumstances is good.

One trick wise Ana or Mercy

Meta wise it’s map dependant but Moria is never meta and Lucio rarely atm.

Best healer changes with team comps, maps, the other support and the player’s personal skills and limitations.

There is no 1 size fits all Support.


You want a bandage for that?


if i had to pick one its bap for me.

Why does this sound like a loaded question, OP? Are we fishing for a name to rant about? Need to dump on a designated healer to support your narrative while whining about another underpowered character in another role? Or are you inviting others to do that for you? Because if so, any of that is pretty cringe if you are in 2022.

The game is currently balanced so that in all three roles, some characters and comps will be more usable/powerful than the rest for certain maps or for certain sections of certain maps, while other characters and comps have their strengths over the rest in other places.

Ana/Bapo if you’re above diamond
Mercy/Moira if you’re below diamond
Lucio if you’re bronze

Do you mean “best healer” as in “most effective” or “most fun”?

If it’s the latter then I imagine most people would say Ana, but for me it’s Bap. Ana’s close, though. For some reason Ana’s no-scope shots being projectile and not hitscan bothers me.

Baptiste is the best support.
After is Brig/Zen(Only for Masters - GM)
If it isn’t Masters - GM than it’s Ana/Mercy


I feel like Anas lost way more games than she won in the average ranks. The only thing she s mostly good for is to pocket bulldozing Reins.

The best healer depends on the situation, OW is complicated.
Anyone that tells you ‘X’ is the best healer is probably still figuring out how to regroup :wink:

If it’s GM it’s bap brig zen

Below that anyone could work, but Ana Bap are strong carry picks


Below GM, Ana is the best support (even in bronze she’s extremely popular). In GM and above, basically all supports except Moira and Lucio are very strong. If you’re looking for a main to climb with on support, just onetrick Ana and you’ll be good.

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Zen is best support hero currently

That’s because she’s immobile and her need for LoS on teammates requires that her teammates be aware of their positioning. It requires cohesion and moving fluidly as a team. Five people spreading out randomly all over the map doing different things, ignoring antis and sleeps, not peeling, not peeking her for heals, standing behind shields, all the while she’s left alone in the back, likely getting picked off by an enemy flanker or divey tank. It means she really struggles to reach her max potential in those ranks.

So there’s probably some truth to those who say Ana is better in Diamond+ where teams are better at working together, while something like Mercy is better in the average/lower ranks where you can just quickly fly from out-of-position teammate to out-of-position teammate with ease while always tethered for consistent heals.

So, to answer this question, it really does depend on several factors, firstly what you mean by best, ie pure healing stats? Best utility? Best combination of both? Best damage and heal output? As well as what rank you’re interested in hearing about since the game is played very differently as you move through them.

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You’re not gonna beat Ana
No one else in game has even surpassed 10% pickrate, let alone stay there like Ana does

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