Who is the best healer

Nobody will agree with me, but Brig is propably your best bet. Lucio and Mercy only really see much use in niche comps, Lucio mainly in Brawl comps and Mercy mainly in slow spam vomps. Brig gets played in both and is a staple in Dive.
Yes, even with Brig there will be bad matchups for you, but this is much more rare than with Lucio or Mercy, so she is 100% the best Mainsupport.

Ana is also fairly flexible, but not really the best in anything beside Monkey comps, so she doesnt get used very much in very high lvl play. But for just climbing ladder Ana is a great Hero to onetrick, since you will rarely be terrible.

I think you could make a argument for Bap too for climbing ladder, since he works well with tanks like Rein who are common there, yet also works well with the rather spammy playstile there.

If you just look for a Hero to abuse like 2019 Moira, or 2018Brig, I gonan have to dissapoint you. No support is really ā€œbrokenā€, maybe overtuned, but not really dominating anything.

If you just want to know whats Meta, its Brig + what fits your comp. Some regions play Doubleshield with Bap, Asia mostly Winston and Ball with Ana and Zen.
On some maps you replace Brig for Lucio or Mercy if you play a niche comp, but besode that mostly Brig+anything but Moira


Forum is always behind on what is strong or overtuned. A year or two behind.

They will realize that you are right, in year 2024

Ana has the most loaded kit for healers, and I think she is potentially too good for the job.
As for pure healing, the weakest might be Zenyatta, tied with Brigitte. But Zen has more utility.

Ana is good for burst healing, else number wise she can easily fall behind other Supports, even Brig or Zen if Tanks dont feed like crazy.

Can you be more specific in your question

In average ranks she is played on both sides with 14%+ PR so ofc one loses.

If this was true then she would be worse than Moira in upper ranks, but in reality her kit is that bloated that it lets her to be #1 support if there are no more busted one at the same time.

You propably forgot utility with power of ult on 10s CD and the best support ult beside rally, ranged healing, high damage ect.


A team with ana and/or mercy is more likely to win.

Anti is literally and ACTUALLY an ult on CD, just like lamp, but ana is ā€œfineā€ and takes ā€œskillā€ (with the VERY generous hitboxes) I hear people cry

Ana+Mercy combo lacks defense against teamwipe ults. While they themselves are good for offensive they are sub par with defense, not a really well rounded combo

I feel like a lot of games could have been won if Ana could just swap off because she couldnt provide values. Ana is a strong hero who is used by mostly potatoes.

Honestly do you really think most Anas can hit anything aside from Tanks with ease? Ana players are the same players that you would flame while they are playing dps and missing shots on a Roadhog. If you doubt me, just play dps and see how often you are healed by a random Ana., and how often she is the first to die.

bap is the best support by far rn



Just pick whatever fits the comp you are playing best. Its probably bap tho.

The day I can block immortality field with my shield or eat it is the day Iā€™ll say its balanced.

Best is subjective. Itā€™s whoever people like to play as. Now if weā€™re talking raw healing values per tick of each Supportā€™s primary healing ability, then likely either Moira or Mercy without seeing actual data of healing per tick. In my personal opinion, Kiriko has now taken the crown of ā€œBest Healerā€. I have personally out healed Mercy, Ana, and Moira on numerous occasions, while her utilities completely change the tide of battle with her being able to teleport to teammates through any medium on top of her invulnerability shield removing debuffs and/or giving her that split second edge to save a teammate in extemis situations. Oh and she can do pretty damn good damage too with her Kunaiā€™s if you can land those.

Baptiste, Zenyatta, and Moira are really just damage characters that happen to have healing abilities. Ana, Kiriko, and Mercy are true healing characters with damage abilities as an afterthought.