Who is responsible for brig nerf

nothing to do with how nerfing shield bash allows dps to play into goats.

its not? your solution was to just stay out of brigs range, meaning I would have to never be near the enemy team, because goats stays in 1 clump and walks forward. its the entire premise of the comp, group up, and walk over the enemy.

your solution verbatim:


to give him a medal


Fun fact as well, other forms of stun aside from Ana (since hers is like 5s stun) does more than 25dmg. Flashbang does 25dmg while Hook does 30dmg.

Yes, aimed projectile abilities are totally the same as one that also gives mobility, protection and is on a shorter cooldown.

One or two people being away from the objective does not mean you lack point presence or control from your other teammates.

The aforementioned picks play outside of her range and can poke her and that comp at a range or manipulate high ground (apart from Bastion) which Goats struggles with.

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I don’t think Brig was fine though 5 damage is worthless, even flashbang does more damage.

so go into a 6v4 then?

poke damage into a rien shield while 5 other people beat your 4 teammates on the point down :thinking:

poke damage into 3 tanks with 3 supports pumping healing into them :thinking:

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“6v4” With Pharah raining rockets, Junkrat spam (builds ult extremely fast in Goats btw), Torb turret on high ground plus overload pressure, Sym melting barriers and turrets in off angles.

And if its “3 supports pumping healing into them” again can you really say its just Brig and not that Tanks doing to much damage and sustain being to high?

meaning you have 4 dps a turret that can be out postioned, and there are 6 people fighting 4 on the point with more health and sustain than those on the point and can easily beat those 4 before the others become a problem.

the comps you are talking about have been tried by pros, and they failed in the long run.

yes because if its just 3 supports pumping healing I can use dive to kill one of the supports and snowball from there. but when brig is one of those supports dive cant be ran because the armor will shut it down as soon as they get it.

dive is an answer to multi tank comps. they started back in the triple tank days.

but when part of the tank heavy comp GOATS is the answer to dive, you cant do that.

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Dude. Im not implying all of them on the same comp and ive seen Pharmercy work into Goats on certain maps like Skya and Oasis. All im saying is Brig has counters the Goats thing is a synergy issue not directly tied to Brig but healer powercreep thats why Doomfist is getting played with his high burst damage that the rest of the roster doesnt quite match.

Lets say dive is the answer does that mean it deserves to be the only dominant comp?

so not only are 2 people not in the fight making it a 6v4, but one of them is a healer? and you’ve got what im assuming is a 2-2-2 and infinite charge to zarya because of zarya bubbles, and aren’t really an issue because the dva just eats your rockets as necessary when time is needed to sustain, and they tear apart the other 4 people on the point forcing you to hoover away.

it literally is. the counter to multitank comps is dive. brig is the counter to dive, which makes goats as powerful as it is.

it wasn’t the only dominant comp. infact it wasn’t even seen much below masters-pro play

people just called anything with genji or tracer dive because they are popular heros, and said it was ran everywhere.

Deathball was the dominant comp on kingsrow and eichenwalde in the days of dive

Bastion on the car dominated maps like junkertown, and route 66

triple tank was popular on 2cp maps

dive was used on maps with high ground that needed contesting.

there were more team comps being played in dive days, than there are being played right now with GOATS being so strong.

Deathball and goats are the only comps you see ran now.

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And Goats isnt even seen much below masters-pro play so whats the issue?

You and I have different definitions of “in the fight”. Zarya being infinite charge is another stretch and Dva only eats rockets for 2 secs front max.

where goats is seen nothing but goats can be ran, vs when dive was meta there were multiple comps you could run even at the high end and several viable dps, vs now where none are viable.

because dva is forced to use all of her DM at once.

oh wait she isn’t.

Then shes not eating rockets now is she? Especially with the Pharah changes.

You can run other things into Goats on ladder. Pro play is completely different and yeah they may have to mirror 8/10 times but its still possible.

According to…?

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You didn’t hear it from me, but Seagull, totally Seagull.


you are tanks. you only need to eat the rockets when you need to sustain. not the entire fight. dva can fly ant pharah and delete her if she doesn’t back off.

is what this game Is centered around and your statement:

shows things need to change.

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Actually melee is 30 damage

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If you’re referring to these forums with that number, that’s not a big figure…here we have a vocal minority (a significant portion of which have no idea what they’re talking about haha), not actually 36 million players (which is 90% of the game’s community).

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You know, I didn’t realize Shield Bash’s damage was getting nerfed until today. OWTMZ was right, these forums are friggin lit.

I’m not normally a “tears” kind of guy, but if you are whining about this you’re basically everything that is wrong with Overwatch and ranked especially.

You see… What makes this enticing for me is that you are scared of me but I am not scared of you. I don’t hide behind the facade of a hopelessly broken hero to defend myself or fight my battles… You’re clinging to a crutch, complaining that the way scores are tallied isn’t fair to a disabled person like yourself and that all the other runners don’t deserve the awards they have received for their performance.

When the Tracer comes for me, I hold steady and aim true. I don’t have to be afraid because I know how to fight them. But you… you don’t have that luxury.

I bet that for a fleeting moment, you actually thought that you were good at the game.

I wasn’t sure whether or not I’d return to the game even if they did finally nerf Shield Bash, but now I have to. I can’t wait to ruin the game for all of you Brigitte whiners the same way that you ruined Overwatch.


This game isnt centered around pro play.

Dva alone doesnt snuff out Pharmercy and nothing besides Dva is in her air space. Only three of Goats is tanks the rest go down to two directs.

I think its a roster issue to be honest with you or tanks and supports having to much dmg/healing.