Who is ready for Steam Reviews?

They are going to be so fun to read. Man. Its gonna be like public hate mail.


Steam usually has an anti-review bomb measure so it’ll be mixed at best once they get review-bombed. :sob:


its already happening right now i think. every thread there is hate overwatch heh’

in discussions i mean

Calling “Mostly Negative”

Yeah, but its the clever diss reviews that I am mostly looking forward to. Like when celebrities have to read mean tweets about themselves.


It’s not going to be any different to every other platform. It’s actually very boring because the comments will be the same old we come across on the forum already.


I’m planning to write one. I kinda wanted to vent about the fall from grace this game had and a place where blizzard has very little moderation power seems ideal.

I’ve seen nothing but hate reviews on forums for 6 years now

They won’t be anything we’ve never heard before


The only way OW2 bombs on steam is if trolls & disgruntled ex-players who don’t play anymore negatively review it out of impulse, similar to how they lurk the forums and bash the game & people who still play it

Most people who start playing it on steam are going to think it’s one of the best F2P multiplayer PVP FPS games on steam, if not the best

All that being said I expect it to land somewhere in very positive if it’s not flooded with trolls, somewhere around 84-88%

I highly doubt the negative reviews will be anything worth reading


60% will rage about broken promises
20% will say the game is dying or Blizzard wasted potential
20% will point out something positive

I wouldn’t be so sure, I’ve seen games that have been completely dogged on in the reviews section lol

This seems really optimisitic. Like, I enjoy playing the game, but I’d be shocked if it doesn’t get mostly negative reviews.


How do you figure it will be positive? They have had negative publicity left and right. From abandoning the PVE to massive bugs and issues in game. Anyone who does their research will not use the game on steam.

the trick around that is to have actual play time and not give it the lowest possible rating

Nah we don’t have male genital ASCII art on here

It won’t be review-bombing if it matches current users reviews on any gaming media which are average at best (10/20 or so depending on the grading metric).

Some people on these forums that are defending Blizzard and F2P Overwatch at all cost once told me “users reviews don’t matter, only the profit the company makes is a good metric to call a game successful” :sweat_smile:…

Clearly not how I see gaming.

20% is not even the % of new content OW2 has compared to OW1, if we take away all the heroes, game modes and maps that have been recycled from the original game.

I guess 20% of positive comments from the users would still be pretty generous.

It kinda does and kinda doesn’t.
They can basically “hide” reviews, but it doesn’t really delete them.

Season 7 is gonna probably be a doozie for steam reviews when the “big” patch dies down and the game remains largly unchanged. Then people will see the day to day normal OW2 and start rage posting.

Or do we.

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