Who is ready for Steam Reviews?

Blizzard sure won’t be!

What steam players new to the game are going to think it’s a bad F2P game?

95% of the negative reviews will just be disgruntled ex-players insistent on bashing the game due to old news, not new players

Anything that has happened before August 10th didnt happen on steam, so like I said it’ll just be disgruntled ex-players review bombing. Most new players will enjoy it, it’s going to be one of the best F2P games on steam. I remember the days of diving through steam looking for good F2P games to play, I wish OW2 was one of them back then.

Some of the steam reviews are gold. Reminds me of when I use to read funny Newegg Reviews many many years ago.

i think they should just scrap that plan the game isnt gonna recover in the state that its in

Good things about Steam.

  1. You need to own the game before you can leave a review.
  2. Review bombing is something that can be punished.
  3. There are tools to eliminate review bombing entirely.

So I doubt the steam reviews are going to be as toxic as you think they are. I seriously doubt most of the muppets angry at the game now are going to create multiple steam accounts so they can leave multiple bad reviews of the game.

It’s a f2p. Anyone can click install. Play it for 5 hrs and vote it negative. They can also use something like SAM without needing it to install all they need is 5hrs. It’s not complex.

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Ah… right, yeah I forgot about that.


Still, the other points stand. Steam doesn’t tolerate review bombing and they have tools to limit their impact when they do happen. I’ll amend my post.

I 100% disagree judging by how many muppets on the forums have multiple accounts to precisely do just that, bumping & liking posts with more than one

Reminder that both Gollum and Redfall exist :slight_smile:

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I’m going to repeat, this seems optimistic to me.

While I think the game is fun, there are some legitimate criticisms about things like the battlepass not giving premium currency after buying it, the community (which I think you agree with given some of your other posts) can be incredibly toxic, and the game itself can be frustrating.

Of course, that doesn’t mean on its own that would generate mostly negative reviews, but I also think it’s impossible to decouple blizz’s reputation and general community sentiment. I think all of these things will end up influencing new players in the long run about whether they view the game positively or not.

That’s also assuming this actually does bring in substantial amount of players. Overwatch is 7 years old, and OW2 already brought in an influx of players again. Who hasn’t heard of it or who has heard of it but suddenly gained interest because it’s on steam?

That’s if we discount any review that is from a current unhappy player, or reviews from former players. I just don’t think it’s likely that it’s going to be rated positively. I’m fine if I’m wrong of course, either way I’m enjoying the game haha

Ah yes nothing quite like airing out grievances in unconstructive, expletive laden bouts of rage bait to aid consumers in their choices to involve themselves in a title and community.

What a great tool.

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Which is exactly what will happen :smile: Also, don’t underestimate the weirdos who play the game currently and are unhappy with it, they exist as well. Couldn’t tell you why they play, but they do.

That sounds like cope, though.

personally i dont think its a big deal thats its going to steam. or i mean i dont care. will we get more new people… maybe. that means more stomps and dealing with newbies but oh well

what i am excited about or kind of interested in IS THE ARTWORK section… a new place to look at fan made art stuff …hehehehehehe :japanese_goblin:

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I mean, the curator reviews are already turbo-negative, can’t wait for the community to do the same

Happens when you play substandard entertainment convincing yourself it isn’t.